The Islamization of Europe is in full swing. The majority of Europeans are helpless against this development. Neither are they informed about the true nature of Islam, nor about the background of Islamic politics in Europe. The Muslims have not come to integrate into European societies. Your goal is to transform Europe into an Islamic territory, is to rule out future only the Sharia, the law of Islam.
This documentary series gives necessary information in the hope that the will to conquer the Muslims and supporting them through much of the western Elites of the required resistance is opposed.
Wie eine Politsatire längst realisiert is
another alpha male of the Greens, the German Joschka Fischer , longtime chairman of his party, former German foreign minister - in his youth militant enemy of his country, Polizistenverprügler, RAF sympathizers and haters of the Western system [3] - uttered in the same direction as his party colleague and fellow combat Cohn-Bendit. Fischer ("I am discovering more and more how much I still Marxist stayed") reveals the political will to stand behind the policy of massive immigration, in his book with the revealing title "Risk of Germany" (1994), whose Contents from the "WORLD" summarized is:
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This documentary series gives necessary information in the hope that the will to conquer the Muslims and supporting them through much of the western Elites of the required resistance is opposed.
Part 1: The political, ideological and religious backgrounds of the Islamization of Europe
The Islamisierungsplan the left - and its continued implementation
today announced the beginning of the nineties, the German -French MEP from Bündnis90/Die Günes, Daniel Cohn-Bendit , one of the leading left-wing politicians, you receive the following: "We, the Greens have to ensure To ensure as many foreigners as possible to get to Germany. If they are in Germany, we must fight for their right to vote. If we have achieved that, we will have the share of the vote, we need to change this republic. "also Jürgen Trittin , under the chancellorship of Schroeder's Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (1998 -2005), then from October 2005 Federal Minister for Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture, his 68-it-attitude has kept to this day. To his former membership of the Maoist "Communist Bund (KB) (KB motto: "Never again Germany") is committed to the ex-squatting Trittin today. Trittin said:
"The [1] are no sins of youth. I believe that it is relatively much more are things to which one unbroken stand until today it ... " [ii]In connection with this statement is Trittin's conception of the concept of democratic elections very interesting. It go - so Trittin - not so much about the organization of parliamentary majorities and more about
"dominant and minority die Meinungsführerschaft“ [iii]für sich zu gewinnen. Hier wird seitens eines führenden deutschen Politikers [2] nichts anderes als die postkommunistische Neuauflage der leninistischen Doktrin einer „Diktatur des Proletariats“ propagiert – jene kommunistische Rechtfertigung der jahrzehntelangen Unterdrückung ihrer Völker durch eine radikale, gebildete und zu allem entschlossenen linksfaschistoiden Minorität. Mit jener bis heute erfolgreichen Strategie der Meinungsführerschaft hat Trittin die realen Machtverhältnisse der meisten westeuropäischen Länder weitaus treffender skizziert als die meisten langatmigen Analysen mancher Politikwissenschaftler. Zwar befindet sich die parlamentarische Macht mehrheitlich bei den konservativen Parteien Europas. Doch die von Trittin erwähnte politische Meinungsführerschaft und damit die eigentliche Macht liegt seit Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs überwiegend in den Händen hochorganisierter, überwiegend linksorientierter Minderheiten (Stichwort: links(-faschistoides) Meinungskartell), die immer noch unangefochten darüber befinden, was politisch korrekt ist und was nicht. Wir werden darauf noch öfter zu sprechen kommen.
“Enttäuschte” Politiker suchen sich ein anderes Volk
Wie eine Politsatire längst realisiert is
another alpha male of the Greens, the German Joschka Fischer , longtime chairman of his party, former German foreign minister - in his youth militant enemy of his country, Polizistenverprügler, RAF sympathizers and haters of the Western system [3] - uttered in the same direction as his party colleague and fellow combat Cohn-Bendit. Fischer ("I am discovering more and more how much I still Marxist stayed") reveals the political will to stand behind the policy of massive immigration, in his book with the revealing title "Risk of Germany" (1994), whose Contents from the "WORLD" summarized is:
"Germany needs hedged from the outside and inside heterogenized by influx, quasi" diluted [iv]
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