Out of sheer fear of the possibility, as "xenophobic means" to be, we now distribute arms among immigrants. A joke? No, not at all. Completely independent of this development, there are more and more Turkish, Albanian and other migrants-shooting clubs in Germany. And not only our fellow citizens of Turkish origin have in countries like Germany at the request firearms certificate. This is allegedly the integration. In Switzerland, it would not happen. Now, a Kosovo Albanian shot at Frankfurt Airport just like some people. The 21-year-old bomber Arid U. is according to his Facebook entries avowed gun nut.
That was the Frankfurt security authorities as well known as his radical Islamist machinations. Anyone could read it on the website of the young man. When his favorite weapon, he is there to the M82 Barret sniper rifle. And a perusal of his Facebook friends list reads like a Who's Who of the German Islamist scene. His friends and he even stood under observation Frankfurt and Cologne security authorities. It was known that he wanted to kill. It just did not know when. Nevertheless, it was left to his weapons.
Finally, we did not want to be xenophobic. And this is by no means alone. Meanwhile, German media have speculated whether it could have possibly been a Terroaranschlag. It shouted Allahu Akbar, the Muslim and jihad, when he killed the man.
The Muslim murderers had more radical backers, that he wanted to meet this weekend in Bad Homburg. German security authorities knew all this, looked too easy. Instead of taking away terror suspects under observation, the weapons, German authorities investigate rather whether vacuum cleaner could be misused for terrorist purposes. But this is Germany in 2011.
Kosovars in Switzerland are considered dangerous. Because in Switzerland fellow citizens from certain countries of the acquisition, possession, offering, transfer, transfer of weapons and shooting with firearms is prohibited. This is so in the Swiss gun laws and applies to citizens from Albania, Algeria, Sri Lanka, Kosovo, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Serbia and Turkey. Such people can not even in Switzerland that is active be a member of a shooting club.
In Germany you encourages migrants to engage in gun clubs or to set them yourself and to buy firearms. This is allegedly the integration. We have finally afraid of being considered xenophobic. In Frankfurt, now a Kosovar who shot people at the airport. Germany is a paradise for immigrants who have legally or illegally on firearms. Every day there are shootings, but we drive out the better. We would rather not deal with the enemy felt by certain groups against us.
For example, while shivering in Germany more and more people from as "designated xenophobic" to be growing in Turkey according to a recent survey by the GfK market research institute, which was carried out on behalf of the American news agency Associated Press, the distrust of Europeans. In plain English: The Turks are becoming more xenophobic. Only 16 percent have a positive image of Germans.
This is still the most positive value of the survey. A good opinion of Italians have followed only twelve percent of the Turks and Spain with eleven percent. The British are only nine percent support, the French at six percent and the long-time rival Greeks with the Turks to just five percent. Little comfort for Europeans, since the statement that 58 percent of Turks Europeans' tax payments in the form of subsidies or grants from the EU as positive. All this is one side. And then, the Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan came to Germany in recent days - and insulted the Germans.
Erdogan said during his visit that there are more and more xenophobia in Germany. "The xenophobia we are following with great concern" That we do not really hear you.
So what did the Germans in the past so they just do not apply as "xenophobic"? The German authorities distributed weapons possession card an vom Verfassungsschutz identifizierte Islamisten, damit diese sich gegen die »Ausländerfeindlichkeit« in Deutschland wehren können. Selbst Al-Qaida-Anhänger durften - wie jetzt bekannt wurde - in Deutschland Waffen kaufen, ganz legal. Ein Beispiel: Obwohl ein Türke aus Offenbach jahrelang von unseren Sicherheitsbehörden als »islamistischer Gefährder« überwacht wurde, konnte er mitten in Deutschland mit behördlicher Unterstützung eine komplette Schießausbildung absolvieren und mehrere Waffen kaufen. Wie das HR-Magazin Defacto berichtet, stellte das Ordnungsamt der Stadt Offenbach dem Mann eine Waffenbesitzkarte aus, obwohl der Türke Adnan V. für jeden erkennbar Bin Laden unterstützt und in Deutschland Muslims in the Holy War recruits. " The Turk was a member of a German shooting club, could be trained in the use of firearms and bought with government authorization is quite legal weapons. It is after all not "xenophobic. An isolated case? No - no way.
Regardless of which occur in the German speaking more and more migrant associations, dedicated to the shooting. As in the Turkish cultural associations arises because, especially in Germany, an armed parallel world, where ethnic Europeans are rarely encountered. No one can say how many weapons permit our immigrant citizens quite legally (in addition to the many illegal weapons). Once, for example, have German citizenship, they can apply after one year of membership in such association quite legally a firearm. There is no listing of the number of those weapons permit holders, which are about Turkish origin or Kosovar origin. Even the Home Office is know in demand while the explosive topic, but I know in the absence of data no details and would not speak further about it. The individual states are in this area is still not sufficiently crosslinked.
Europe is about to collapse anyway, have since our immigrant citizens probably due to the next location to prepare.
best place we in the sale of firearms in Germany, also will be a manual in Turkish, Albanian and other oriental languages at. Finally, the Turkish Prime Minister during his visit to Germany has demanded, among other things, that Turkish children in Germany first had to learn the Turkish language before they speak German. Of course, the one who sees things differently, "xenophobic.
Source: kopp-verlag
That was the Frankfurt security authorities as well known as his radical Islamist machinations. Anyone could read it on the website of the young man. When his favorite weapon, he is there to the M82 Barret sniper rifle. And a perusal of his Facebook friends list reads like a Who's Who of the German Islamist scene. His friends and he even stood under observation Frankfurt and Cologne security authorities. It was known that he wanted to kill. It just did not know when. Nevertheless, it was left to his weapons.
Finally, we did not want to be xenophobic. And this is by no means alone. Meanwhile, German media have speculated whether it could have possibly been a Terroaranschlag. It shouted Allahu Akbar, the Muslim and jihad, when he killed the man.
The Muslim murderers had more radical backers, that he wanted to meet this weekend in Bad Homburg. German security authorities knew all this, looked too easy. Instead of taking away terror suspects under observation, the weapons, German authorities investigate rather whether vacuum cleaner could be misused for terrorist purposes. But this is Germany in 2011.
Kosovars in Switzerland are considered dangerous. Because in Switzerland fellow citizens from certain countries of the acquisition, possession, offering, transfer, transfer of weapons and shooting with firearms is prohibited. This is so in the Swiss gun laws and applies to citizens from Albania, Algeria, Sri Lanka, Kosovo, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Serbia and Turkey. Such people can not even in Switzerland that is active be a member of a shooting club.
In Germany you encourages migrants to engage in gun clubs or to set them yourself and to buy firearms. This is allegedly the integration. We have finally afraid of being considered xenophobic. In Frankfurt, now a Kosovar who shot people at the airport. Germany is a paradise for immigrants who have legally or illegally on firearms. Every day there are shootings, but we drive out the better. We would rather not deal with the enemy felt by certain groups against us.
For example, while shivering in Germany more and more people from as "designated xenophobic" to be growing in Turkey according to a recent survey by the GfK market research institute, which was carried out on behalf of the American news agency Associated Press, the distrust of Europeans. In plain English: The Turks are becoming more xenophobic. Only 16 percent have a positive image of Germans.
This is still the most positive value of the survey. A good opinion of Italians have followed only twelve percent of the Turks and Spain with eleven percent. The British are only nine percent support, the French at six percent and the long-time rival Greeks with the Turks to just five percent. Little comfort for Europeans, since the statement that 58 percent of Turks Europeans' tax payments in the form of subsidies or grants from the EU as positive. All this is one side. And then, the Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan came to Germany in recent days - and insulted the Germans.
Erdogan said during his visit that there are more and more xenophobia in Germany. "The xenophobia we are following with great concern" That we do not really hear you.
So what did the Germans in the past so they just do not apply as "xenophobic"? The German authorities distributed weapons possession card an vom Verfassungsschutz identifizierte Islamisten, damit diese sich gegen die »Ausländerfeindlichkeit« in Deutschland wehren können. Selbst Al-Qaida-Anhänger durften - wie jetzt bekannt wurde - in Deutschland Waffen kaufen, ganz legal. Ein Beispiel: Obwohl ein Türke aus Offenbach jahrelang von unseren Sicherheitsbehörden als »islamistischer Gefährder« überwacht wurde, konnte er mitten in Deutschland mit behördlicher Unterstützung eine komplette Schießausbildung absolvieren und mehrere Waffen kaufen. Wie das HR-Magazin Defacto berichtet, stellte das Ordnungsamt der Stadt Offenbach dem Mann eine Waffenbesitzkarte aus, obwohl der Türke Adnan V. für jeden erkennbar Bin Laden unterstützt und in Deutschland Muslims in the Holy War recruits. " The Turk was a member of a German shooting club, could be trained in the use of firearms and bought with government authorization is quite legal weapons. It is after all not "xenophobic. An isolated case? No - no way.
Regardless of which occur in the German speaking more and more migrant associations, dedicated to the shooting. As in the Turkish cultural associations arises because, especially in Germany, an armed parallel world, where ethnic Europeans are rarely encountered. No one can say how many weapons permit our immigrant citizens quite legally (in addition to the many illegal weapons). Once, for example, have German citizenship, they can apply after one year of membership in such association quite legally a firearm. There is no listing of the number of those weapons permit holders, which are about Turkish origin or Kosovar origin. Even the Home Office is know in demand while the explosive topic, but I know in the absence of data no details and would not speak further about it. The individual states are in this area is still not sufficiently crosslinked.
Europe is about to collapse anyway, have since our immigrant citizens probably due to the next location to prepare.
best place we in the sale of firearms in Germany, also will be a manual in Turkish, Albanian and other oriental languages at. Finally, the Turkish Prime Minister during his visit to Germany has demanded, among other things, that Turkish children in Germany first had to learn the Turkish language before they speak German. Of course, the one who sees things differently, "xenophobic.
Source: kopp-verlag
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