Sunday, February 20, 2011

Can Muslims Wear Dresses?

Berlin im Koma – ein “Einzelfall” als Lehrstück

The case of the painter journeyman Sebastian H., on 11 February 2011, shortly before midnight on the Berlin U-Bahnhof Lichtenberg of a four-member group of youths was kicked into a coma, the city is known, since four days ago, no peace. Since silt-like "individual cases" otherwise almost daily as drought couplet in the local news, the question arises of the reasons why it is different this time. But first the facts.

The hunt of Sebastian H. and the subsequent excess violence were recorded by a camera platform. is on the recordings to see how the 30-year-old runs away from the four young people until they catch him at the stairs to the platform, push down and come down on the already lying. As he straightens up dazed and supported on a pillar, it jumps to one of the perpetrators with full force. Then he robbed the motionless man lying on the ground in more pictures to passers-by are seen on the platform, which appeared to have come neither to help nor the police have called. When the police went a total of only one emergency call. The second victim was

after fleeing it was initially, by the perpetrators before the station tracked down again and also met. As a passer-by intervened and - according to the police - a "clear response" was, let the young people on their victim and fled. In the passer, it should be a member of the rock band "Bandidos".

recognition through violence prevention

A police officer saw the pictures of the camera platform to the dark-skinned students in a class again, with whom he had performed years ago a violence prevention seminar, which allowed all four culprits will be taken soon. They originate exclusively immigrant families (from Kenya, Albania, Kosovo and Iraq) and stated during her first interrogation, the painter and his fellow colleague, the same age they would have been provoked by "Sieg Heil!" Calls. This was however by police as "tactical collusion" evaluated and the defendants immediately withdrawn. The attack - so the police - have been from the outset aimed to hurt people seriously, and then rob them.

The sister of the displaced in an artificial coma Sebastian H. wrote on her Facebook page to the perpetrators: "I hate you abysmal ... I am a nurse and have a lot of bad things seen, but the sight of my own brother was the worst and most terrifying, what I have experienced and seen. "

The first and most important reason for the continued media interest and the significant proportion of the population in the case may lie in the fact that the raid randomly was documented by video camera and then spread on the Internet. A second reason is the fact that it has taken two craftsmen in typical occupational clothing that were on the way home from work beer. As well as listening to parts of the population that would otherwise be achieved by nothing more, and focus only on their daily struggle for survival. Correspondingly wide reported the Springer tabloid.

Remarkable conclusions

And suddenly suggests the justice that they could exploit the framework of existing laws, if they chose. Suddenly stay all four young people, even the 14-year-old in custody on but that was rejected in numerous similar cases, because a fixed place of residence was available and no risk of flight "was. And the alleged offense is - wait for it - "attempted murder and robbery in two cases (instead of" dangerous bodily injury ").

That's one of the many conclusions to be drawn from this case and make it symptomatic of the state of our society:

first Public pressure is sufficiently large, the judiciary can cuddle rug briefly turn back to the roaring tiger, now he would always be to maintain stability of the law.

second Public pressure in the mass media arises only due to the circumstances and softened quickly. The DuMont-sheet "Berliner Zeitung" suggested in a long in-depth articles, if the violence prevention seminars would not have been at the school of young people due to financial reasons, it might not come to the raid. Other media drew an NPD rally on the occasion of the raid in which a right-wing station district, decried the focus of their reporting, and expressed concern the well-known, such "isolated cases" could be from the extreme right "exploited" be.

3. Die wichtige Frage, ob all diese „Einzelfälle“ nicht möglicherweise einen gemeinsamen Hintergrund haben, der „Deutschenfeindlichkeit“ heißt, wurde nirgendwo thematisiert. Stattdessen werden aus dem hohlen Bauch heraus „soziale Probleme“ oder „Versagen der Gesellschaft“ bei der Integration unterstellt.

4. Die Plumpheit und bornierte Blindheit solcher Aussagen spielt perfekt zusammen mit der an den Tag gelegten Raffinesse der vier „Jugendlichen“, die offenbar aufgrund einer vorherigen Absprache versucht haben, die Nazikarte zu spielen. Das zeigt, dass sie den wunden Punkt der deutschen Gesellschaft ganz genau kennen. Die millionenschwere sozialpädagogische Integration industry and their "charges" - a super-team!

5th As stressed parts in several newspapers, was that it was for them not to "offenders" and that they had been "hardly noticeable" has become is, in the opinion of the video footage and obviously well trained jump, kick and knock-in "technology" the anxious question, how often these criminals used their tools have been in other people, not followed by attacks on record. Just do not get caught or stopped because of insignificance?

6th A question for Naika Foroutan, known from radio and television, "Sarrazin counter" as a female: If these young people may be prototypes of postulated by their "new Germans", which differ from the "ancient Germans" the pick, giving them their opinion in their new "HEYMAT" (hybrid European-Muslim identity models) is entitled to anyway? More seriously, Cancels here is not the envy and hatred of those railway, which is told from the left green politicians, social scientists and Islamic officials permanently, they have a right to "participation" in society, without this even something of power, respect, gratitude, etc. to have to return?

7th Not only the Lichtenberg station, but large parts of Berlin public space will wander in the evening hours to the legal vacuum in which the law reigns of the fittest, where gangs of "youths" with specific religious and cultural backgrounds who spread fear and terror and be stopped by anyone or controlled (and even if it is only tickets). Other terms and protestations of transportation companies ("There are at each station an emergency call button!") And the Berlin Senate, the pure mockery, as anyone who has the misfortune to be in the evening hours often have to go underground. That in this case just a rocker stopped the excess violence is a particularly bitter punchline. May be considered be to equip certain rock groups with extra police powers.

vigil of PI-Berlin

members of the PI-group met in Berlin on Saturday at a vigil in the subway station Lichtenberg. At the spot where the chase had begun to Sebastian H., burned many candles. Again and again people - by the way different colors and languages - and laid down flowers or read the spontaneously bonded to the list columns by using expressions of sympathy. "This was baseless and deliberately destroyed the life of a people." "Politicians, wake up and change the juvenile justice laws," "Zero tolerance for violent offenders, ! No migrants bonus "on a designed flyer was read:" BERLIN IN COMA - red-red senate. Dived, Justice: failed Police: Broken savings, public transport: reduced from station staff, citizens: cower away fearful "better way to the prevailing malaise in Berlin does not really sum up. Let's hope that the moment startled citizens preserve their displeasure to the House of Representatives elections in September and deselect these incompetent Senate.

For the PI group in Berlin, it was important to show solidarity at this point with the victims of this cowardly act, but also in conversations with passersby and passengers indicate dass es sehr wohl spezifische Probleme der Gewalt von Migranten gibt, die wenig mit der deutschen Mehrheitsgesellschaft und viel mit der Sozialisation der Täter in deren Herkunftsgesellschaften zu tun haben. Dabei rannten wir bei der überwiegenden Mehrzahl der Menschen, die jeweils einige Minuten am Ort der Mahnwache verharrten, offene Türen ein. Die Bevölkerung weiß ganz genau, welche „Gruppen von Jugendlichen“ gewalttätig sind, und sie ist dabei klug genug, nicht auf die ausländerfeindlichen Rattenfänger der NPD hereinzufallen.

Ach, übrigens: Der 13-Jährige Kevin, der kurze Zeit später in Reinickendorf einer „kiezbekannten Jugendgang“ auf dem Bürgersteig met, was also met because he "looked wrong" had. "He was just at the wrong time, wrong place," said the father at the bedside of his son's resignation. And in the case of a 39-year-old man who was crushed in a train station in Lichterfelde of two young men from migrant families, this time an other passengers intervened and prevented worse. In both cases there was no video.

Source: Pi-news


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