Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Protein Sythesis Is An Anabolic Process

Noch mehr Moslems, noch mehr Terroristen. Europa ade!!!

Tausende Tunesier sind ins italienische Lampedusa geflüchtet, jetzt schlägt die Stunde von Frontex: Die EU-Grenzschutztruppe steht vor ihrem nächsten Einsatz, um den Flüchtlingsstrom zu stoppen. Menschenrechtler sind alarmiert - ihnen sind die Frontex-Aktionen schon lange suspekt.

Berlin/Lampedusa - Es wird wieder sehr martialisch aussehen: Schwerbewaffnete Männer in dunklen Uniformen, on ships or in the helicopter - especially in contrast to the wretched refugees in their rickety boats. Just as in 2006 when EU Frontex border guards had their first big gig. At that time she stood up to refugees seeking the way from Africa to Malta and the Canary Islands - mainly Europe.

Even before Lampedusa crossed the Frontex people of his time. The Italian island in the Mediterranean, halfway between Tunisia and Sicily, situated in the coming days once the application of EU border troops. "The operation will begin in a few days," said Frontex director Ilkka Laitinen, a commission spokesman in Brussels said the same amount.

Not until after thousands of Tunisians sent in recent days to Lampedusa Italy translated and calls for help to Europe, Frontex has become a buzz word in politics. Since there are the border guards, military rule over their operations. Some see in the agency an appropriate means of deterrence, an effective tool to keep unwanted refugees from the continent. Others think Frontex for a symbol of the EU-foreclosure policy, which remains questionable actions against human rights does not stop.

Laitinen, Frontex Director does not understand this criticism. And who on Tuesday witnessed a press conference in Berlin, can the friendly gentleman from Finland actually difficult as the head of a brutal gang grab imagine. Laitinen, rimless glasses, gray hair, side parting is the guy-friendly Nokia manager. He speaks on the edge of the 14th European police congress of the "very serious situation" around Lampedusa, which is why "operation of its employees" was imminent. Of course that emphasizes Laitinen, only in support of the Italian police and border guards. A day or two it will probably take some time before his men were already in Italy.

Frontex is from the Greek border for months in use

And in a moment, in the FRONTEX already on the edge of its capacity a few hundred kilometers to the northeast in use is: In the autumn of last year, the EU force of Greece was called in to help: The local authorities were with the growing influx of refugees overwhelmed the flows on the Turkish-Greek border into Europe. Since then, there are also German police officers in action, according to the Interior Ministry is currently 23 out of federal and state governments. For since the start of 2005, Frontex staff of the organization, based in Warsaw, although grown to around 220 - but with operations in Greece and now in front of Lampedusa is to rely almost exclusively on police from the EU countries. Frontex has also not own boats or helicopters, which also lends to the member countries.

Still lies in the interior ministry apparently no request for the use of Lampedusa. But he could not "imagine" that German police would not participate in it, says Laitinen, Frontex director at his press conference and a smile.

the more understandable that the Frontex debate now boils up again in Germany. And some even take the example of Lampedusa as an opportunity to be in principle. Hans-Peter Uhl, for example, internal expert of the CDU. He has a lot left over for EU border guards. Moreover, he wants to expand their powers and ensure that refugee flows can be warded off even better. His demand: more staff, more responsibilities.

But the opponents move. Especially human rights organizations fear that the use of border guards will once again be controlled by anyone really. The Frontex mandates were "deliberately airy, criticized Karl Kopp, European expert at the refugee organization Pro Asyl. Critics complain again and again the lack of transparency of the operations. Frontex was operating independently often as brutal defensive struggle is being waged, is not really apparent. Kopp asks: "Frontex must be made clear at last, errors must be justiciable."

The Green MEP and former Germany boss-from Amnesty International, Barbara Lochbihler, and on a Frontex "a high lack of transparency. If you have doubts as to whether the Authority is going more with human rights." Tom Koenigs, Member of Parliament of the Green Party, speaks of "weak" mechanisms for the control of the operations. The end of the week he wants to Warsaw travel and discuss with the Frontex management, as the mandate could be expanded to make them less vulnerable. If it were up to him, should make the border guards will not only defensive actions, but also to "organize legal Inempfangnahme of refugees."

Pro-asylum-man Kopp recommends fundamentally opposed, the humanitarian crisis situation in Lampedusa prevent police operations to want - and thus against Frontex. "Instead of security forces it needs a rule of law, how to deal with the refugees," he says and pushes behind ". You can not hyping up the democracy movement in Tunisia, then they fight but the consequences of police forces" Source: 16.02, Spiegel.de

The best thing would evacuate the island of Lampedusa to compensate all the Italians and then blow up! The military should slowly but think about it torpedoes against the Flüchtingsbote use. Merkt can not even as long as Frontex is not there so we do a few terrorists flat.


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