Saturday, February 12, 2011

Words Of Condolence Sample

Muslims, Europe's culture destroyer .... The Islamic

Frankfurt: Afghan Culture Association fooled the Germans ...
was originally the Afghan Cultural Association promised to part with his force as extremist imam. But he still works there as a janitor. City and politics agree: this is not acceptable. Politicians feel betrayed Afghan culture by the club. As previously reported, had promised this in the summer of 2010, to part with because of his radical positions designated as hate preacher Imam Said Khobaib Sadat. But in the process of Sadat's expulsion came out now: He works as a janitor in the cultural association. This was a deliberate deception, raises a politician before club. Its chairman Mohammed Nasim Samet does not understand the fuss. He neither our Imam or a club member, has promised as we is. "He ist doch jetzt nur "Hausmeister". (Quelle: Frankfurter Neue Presse Februar 2011 ).  
Glasgow: Orientalische Gruppenvergewaltiger machen Jagd auf Frauen
Die Polizei in Glasgow hat Frauen dazu aufgerufen, nicht mehr allein auf die Straßen zu gehen, weil Gruppen von Orientalen (Männer mit "middle eastern appearance") nach Women seeking that can rape her. Now about the BBC reported. Is only three Orientals a 37-year-old woman was attacked and brutally raped on the way home (Source: BBC February 11, 2011).
London: Pakistani pediatrician Dr. Sabah makes Al-Zayyat British toddler die
In London the fellow citizen Dr. Sabah Al-Zayyat lost their registration as a doctor and was from the register of Paediatricians deleted. The "expert" medical education had made in Pakistan and then practiced in Saudi Arabia. In 2004 she then moved to Great Britain. However, it has obviously no idea of children's medicine. The 17-month-old little Briton Peter Conolly was taken with her to the hospital with serious injuries, including a broken spine. The doctor was Dr. Sabah Al-Zayyat nothing, saw the little boy as "annoying restless" and sent him away again. Then the boy died - the Pakistani "doctor" is "affected" (Source: Daily Mail February 11, 2011).
Bradford/Großbritannien: Asjid Mahmood und Arshed Mahmood verbrennen drei Menschen
Zwei Mitbürger aus dem islamischen Kulturkreis, Asjid Mahmood und Arshed Mahmood,  haben in Bradford/Großbritannien eine Frau und ihre zwei Kinder in deren Wohnhaus verbrannt. Sie hatten sich mit einem Familienangehörigen über den Preis für ein Fahrzeug gestritten. Es ging um die Ehre. Da mussten die Frau und die Kinder "der Ehre halber" dran glauben (Quelle: Daily Mail 11. Februar 2011 ). 

Stuttgart: Südländer zerren junge Frau in Kombi und vergewaltigen sie
Die Polizei Stuttgart look for three southerners who have a 27-year-old woman in the area of Gable Berger main street in Stuttgart-Ost raised in, dragged into a dark car station wagon and later raped. The 27-year-old was raised on his way to clock 0.15 by three unknown men at the mouth Schlößlestraße. continue as they wanted, the men they are dragged into a vehicle parked on the roadside and have to be set off. They abused the woman in the car and brought it to 02.00 clock back to the main road Gable Berger. Then they drove away with the dark passenger station wagon. (Source: Daily Post February 2011 Gmünder ).
USA: Muslim cut his wife head off
Migrant workers need the land, for anything anyone can. Just as Muslim Muzzammil Hassan (46). He has his wife (37), a mother of two children, simply cut off the head. For he felt that his wife mistreated. As a professional he has been in a supermarket where he bought a knife for tested its sharpness. A security camera filmed him in the supermarket. He planned the deed so quietly. (Source: Daily Mail February 8, 2011).

Germany: Orientals welcome - ethnic German as second class citizens
Immigrant Muslims are courted in Deutschkand. Against They are ethnic Europeans pile of crap. Learn how to treat a son of Libyan dictator Gaddafi in Munich: "Whenever Saif al-Arab Gaddafi has trouble with the Munich police, herumt it comes to anger: The 29-year-old is the son of the ruler Muammar al-Gaddafi. And to his dad he can, even away leaving the home. For Saif al-Arab bought Libya's head of state until the villa of the ex-HRE-manager Georg Funke. But who was the son of man has been refurbished then too small, so he moved from the Bavarian court in Waldperlach. For five years, Saif studied in Munich, allegedly Medicine at the Technical Universität. Doch statt Professoren fiel der Lebemann viel öfter der Polizei auf. Zuletzt wurde ein Verfahren wegen Waffenschmuggels eingestellt. Hat der erwartete Zorn Muammar al-Gaddafis, der nur wegen eines Verfahren gegen einen anderen Sohn erst 2008 der Schweiz den Ölhahn zudrehte, deutsche Beamte kuschen lassen? „Uns interessiert nicht, was in der Schweiz läuft“, erklärte am Montag die Staatsanwaltschaft auf tz-Anfrage. Immerhin habe sie auch mehrere Razzien durchgeführt. Doch wenn keine Beweise gefunden werden, könne es auch kein Gerichtsverfahren geben. Das Polizeipräsidium teilte indes mit: „Es gab immer wieder auch Gespräche mit Vertretern der Libyschen Botschaft.“ Die tz schildert the dark life of Gaddafi's son: Gaddafi Gas: Expensive cars in the second youngest Gaddafi's son calls his own: including a Hummer, a Cadillac Escalade, a Jeep and a Bentley Continental GT. Munich police were able to transport him to do it often enough: Four times they stopped Saif al-Arab and for a forced blood sample he had his lobes for drink-driving issue at times. A Ferrari 430, the police seized in 2007, because the sports car with 110.5 decibels too loud roared. Brawl in a disco: How Islam Gaddafi is sometimes the dad, the liberal son of wanted man Saif al-Arab on 18 November 2006 at the Disco 4004 party: A friend stripped, and when they fall even her bra ließ, war das zu viel. Türsteher warfen die Gruppe hinaus und Gaddafi junior mischte in der folgenden Prügelei mit, wobei ein 19-jähriger Russe verletzt wurde. Ein Ermittlungsverfahren stellte die Staatsanwaltschaft wegen geringen öffentlichen Interesses ein. Dennoch blieb das Ego des Diktatoren-Sohns äußerst angekratzt. Mordplan aus Rache? Ein bosnischer Freund Gaddafis erzählte den Behörden, als er selbst in dessen Visier geriet, vom Jähzorn Saids: Ihn habe er beauftragt, Rache an dem 4004-Türsteher zu nehmen. 100 000 Euro sei dem Libyer ein Mord wert gewesen, ein abgehacktes Bein die Hälfte, berichtet die SZ. Doch ein offizielles Protokoll dieser Aussage gab es nicht. Auch hier beendete die Staatsanwaltschaft the case - "lack of detailed information." Weapons in Waldperlach: The Bosnians also confirmed other statements that Gaddafi's son has a small weapons cache - including with a revolver and an assault rifle G35. However, after raids in Gaddafi's suite at the Bavarian court and in the Forest Villa Perlacher the police had to pull off again without success. The student led officials probably around by the nose. Smuggling by Car: In March 2007, the Foreign Office denied a request of Libya, the Qaddafi's son to put on the list of accredited diplomats. Promptly declared Libya a German diplomat of the embassy in Tripoli for unwanted and Saif al-Arab drove with diplomatic license plates. Exactly this car was used according to the chief of a security company as a hiding place for Gaddafi's weapons: This is because the raids themselves did not trust the officers approached the alleged diplomatic car. Only after an inquiry in Bavaria Berlin Justice Department learned of the illegal "CC" sign on the car. After all, the special license plates had to Gaddafi and removable. But Gaddafi's weapons were, meanwhile, long ago in a Paris hotel: His security chief testified that were smuggled to the BMW 760Li not only weapons but also ammunition and 200 imitations of Rolex watches from the country. About this coup had laughed heartily Gadhafi, reports the Mirror, citing a police investigator: ". At some point, turns the federal intelligence service, then for our final" dinner with the police chief: A Spit attack on a police officer and the many raids aroused then but the bad conscience of the dictator's son: in August said Saif al- Gaddafi in Arab police chief Wilhelm Schmidbauer, and asked him for 28 for dinner with his lawyer and his secretaries in the Bayerischer Hof. The unsavory history was after the luxury food "wiped off diplomatically," quoted an official of the SZ. Schmidbauer's view from the meeting was a resounding success: after all, he was able to make it clear to the Libyans that apply to him in Germany, no other laws. Last weekend, told prosecutors in Munich, with, ultimately, that a case was closed because of gun-running against Gadhafi - for lack of evidence. After all, Gaddafi has since been with the Munich prosecutors as good "(Source: TZ online February 8, 2011). The question remains:. Who is in the East under the Libyans still be really surprised if these unscrupulous Orientale together his nasty clan at some point somewhere, dangling from a lamppost ...?
In Dänemark müssen sich Christen und Juden jetzt in zwei Städten verstecken
Schockierende Nachrichten aus dem multikulturellen Dänemark, über die uns nun die Zeitung Copenhagen Post berichtet: In den dänischen Städten Odense und Aarhus müssen sich Juden und Christen jetzt verstecken, weil Mohammedaner ihnen die Fahrzeuge anstecken oder sie einfach so verprügeln. In der dänischen Zeitung Politiken heißt es sogar, die Entwicklung bewege sich in den dänischen Moslem-Wohngebieten auf eine neue "Apartheid" zu, weil Nicht-Muslime there would be oppressed by Muslims and tortured. The religious tensions are therefore resistant to, in Aarhus Christian churches must now pay for security forces to prevent them from being attacked by Muslims (Source: Copenhagen Post February 3, 2011 )



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