Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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: Muslim kills two U.S. soldiers!

1998-1999: When the Serbs in Kosovo have then tried to bring under their control because there was a huge outcry! How bad are only the Serbs, the poor Kosovars who are humiliated and chased by an ethnic cleansing was at that time even talk! The do-gooders, especially from Germany, it did not understand what this is! The Serbs wanted just one thing: The Muslims from the Balkans to finally clean away! And look, now all know why! Well, the Yanks have the time, illegally helped the Kosovars, and then have zurückgedrengt Serbia sees itself with military force. So, and the boy Kosovo Albanians have now bedangt for it, he simply shoots two U.S. soldiers once!

Sun and now the whole text here:

Two soldiers are dead and two others wounded, the police went to SPIEGEL ONLINE, please assume that the shots were directed specifically at the Frankfurt airport to the U.S. Army . The alleged perpetrator should have had large amounts of ammunition with him.

Frankfurt - The German security authorities go after the first investigation of the shooting at Frankfurt Airport by a targeted attack on the U.S. Army. As SPIEGEL ONLINE learned from security sources, was 21-year-old shooter in the boarded the bus with U.S. soldiers and had opened fire from a pistol.

First reports that there had been a dispute in the bus, have not been confirmed, according to the authorities. Rather, the studies speak now for a targeted act of man, who is from Kosovo and to have worked at the airport. Several times I pulled the trigger, the shooter, police said.

On Wednesday evening, CNN published the names of the alleged murderer and on the basis that the Interior Minister of Kosovo. Accordingly, the detainee is Arid U. and come from the city of Mitrovica. These data again fit a Facebook profile, which German authorities believe that it could be the assassin.

The young man who presented there, makes little secret of his Islamic convictions. As the motto of his Facebook page he has selected a saying of the Muslim conqueror Khalid Bin Walid: "May the eyes of the coward never rest." Among the sites, as their fan, he makes himself known, are Islamic in color, which are called as "the rule of Islam." At its Board he linked including a jihadist fight song, one of the comments to the topic of a friend called "this miserable kuffar (infidels)." The last entry is dated Monday evening.

Not all Content indicate a militant Islamists, there are posts that seem to suggest that he was such an active gamer. But the overall picture elements of Islamic ideas and views can be identified clearly. In view of the crime for which the man was allegedly responsible for the shooting of two people in the immediate proximity effect, a post almost ironic: in August 2010, he apparently completed an online questionnaire, which fit well the best weapon to him. The answer: The M82 Barret sniper rifle. The reason: "You're the cautious type that will do his victim rather from a distance."

German authorities evaluate the environment of the suspects and other Traces the hour. This includes the Facebook page. It is not yet confirmed that this is the one of the suspected bomber, but the authorities go to information from SPIEGEL ONLINE expect.

"God is great" before starting the fatal shooting

During the initial investigation, the investigators came across evidence that points to an Islamist attack. Witnesses testified, therefore, the perpetrator was immediately before the shooting, according to "Allahu Akhbar" initiative, the Arabic phrase for "God is great". It is used worldwide by Muslims in almost every conceivable context, but from Islamist inspired terrorists used as a battle cry. Investigators told SPIEGEL ONLINE in the evening, the exclamation is a reference to which one ENGAGED intensive.

prevailed at the airport after the shots first terror alert. With the code-word "The cafe panorama was opened" according to a report were the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" all police officers alerted the airport, the code had been agreed by the security authorities as a warning.

After the shooting, the man had fled into the building of Terminal 2. There he was arrested by federal agents, he noticed his nervous by walking around. First claims that he was next to the weapon even greater quantity of ammunition in themselves.

terrorist motivation is examined

Rank High on Wednesday night investigators were still back with clear assessments. A terrorist background of the Kosovo Albanians is under active consideration. "But that there was someone with a gun in the vicinity of the airport is not by accident," said an investigator who worked on the case. "It may be one confused individual perpetrators, but certainly also a member of an organized group."

The bus carrying the soldiers was therefore easily recognizable as a vehicle of the U.S. Army was that most likely was the target of the attack. The Hesse state police immediately, a special commission set up to clarify the case. The distribution of the security authorities was also routinely a warning message to all other airports and locations sent, in which the U.S. Air Force has bases.

Barack Obama appeared unannounced on Wednesday during the regular press conference with his spokesman Jay Carney at the White House. "I am saddened and outraged by this attack, which has cost the lives of Americans," Obama said. "We will spare no effort to find out how this heinous act came about, and you'll be working with the German authorities.

"This is a clear reminder of the extraordinary Victims, the men and women in uniform provide, "said Obama." We express our deepest condolences to the families. "He'll Thursday at a press conference with Mexican President Felipe Calderón, who is visiting in Washington, have more opportunity to ask questions to respond to the attack.

suspect is from the northern Kosovo

it was "currently not be excluded," said Interior Minister Boris Hessen Rhein. "We do not at this time whether a terrorist, a jihadist , has an Islamist or a different background, "he says.

The alleged perpetrator is According to the Associated Press from the town of Mitrovica in northern Kosovo and apparently lived in Frankfurt.

The act had happened to clock 15.20 in the public area in front of the Terminal 2. Two occupants of the bus were killed, apparently including the driver. The two deaths were, according to the U.S. Air Force stationed in Britain.

soldiers on their way to Ramstein

Two other people were injured. In the evening, the U.S. military confirmed that it is the wounded to two air force soldiers. The Businsassen were on their way to the U.S. military air base at Ramstein, Rheinland-Pfalz.

The U.S. Air Force had a few years ago at Frankfurt Airport is an important base that was used for many military missions such as the two wars in Iraq. The Rhein-Main Air Base was closed in 2005. As before, the airport but is used by U.S. soldiers traveling with civil machines to their bases. The U.S. armed forces have in the airport, a reception center for incoming soldiers.


Well maybe, think about the Yanks and the good guy again with Kosovo. Let's just make the Serbs, which will show the Kosovar Muslims and all others where the hammer hangs.


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