Thursday, March 3, 2011

How Much Is An Anklet Tattoo

Kosovo Albanians has contacts with the Salafists scene

Under the current investigation of a special commission, everything indicates that it is the deadly committees of the 21-year-Arid (or Arif) Uker, photo l., is of two U.S. soldiers before the Frankfurt Airport by a terrorist attack. Uker to contacts with the German scene for Salafists Pierre Vogel, Sven Lau, have had Abou Ibrahim Abdullatif and Nagdi. The latter is considered more influential preachers in the Frankfurt area. have called for image information of the devout Muslim Uker worked at Frankfurt airport and is in the attack, according to "Allahu Akbar".

Arid U. wanted a bloodbath, killing people he considers unbelievers, wage war against Muslims and therefore must die in his view. Armed with a pistol and a considerable quantity of ammunition, the 21-year-old German-Kosovan made on Wednesday morning on the way to work at the airport Frankfurt am Main.

afternoon U. waited outside the terminal 2 on his victims - American soldiers. A dozen military police from the U.S. Air Force, stationed in the British Lakenheath, came with a machine in London. They wore no uniforms, but civilian clothes and should travel from Frankfurt to further U.S. military base at Ramstein. From there, the men leave in the coming days in the war effort in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Even before the group was American from the airport terminal to the waiting bus, Arid U. got into the vehicle. Apparently he was an airport employee have easy access. No sooner had the U.S. soldiers took place in the bus, Arid U. opened fire with his weapon, at least one American hit in the head, another in the upper body. The driver of the bus was taken seriously injured slumped in his seat together.

apparently targeted attack against U.S. Army

The U.S. soldiers who were unarmed at the time of the attack and were surprised tried in panic to flee the bus. Only the fact that the gun jammed Us Arid suddenly, thanks to her that there were no other casualties. Kosovo's death was a pistol shooter attacked and fled back into the airport terminal, find him a short time later, officials of the Federal Police overpowered and arrested.

killed two U.S. soldiers Arid U., at least two others were injured by the bullets of the assassin difficult. Had he been able, U. probably would have continued the bloodbath without hesitation.

Chancellor Angela Merkel and U.S. President Barack Obama condemned the bloody attack sharply. German security authorities were immediately on the investigation, in the meanwhile, the BKA investigators and an American group of the FBI are involved.

unmask Internet tracks offender is regarded as fanatical Islamists

There determine whether an individual offender Arid U. or was it part of a group. At the Islamic motivation of the shooting death should now probably be no more doubt. Arid U. was an Islamist. He saw himself in the Holy War against the infidels, occupy the Internet tracks left by the 21-year-old in recent months.

Arid U., was born in Germany, grew up in Frankfurt, where he made his Sossenheim school diploma. His family is from Mitrovica in Kosovo, but was 40 years ago in the Federal Republic. U. The family is regarded as religious, but not as fanatical.

The father is said to have been in Kosovo imam. His son, the father may be, do not come from work on Wednesday, he did not know everything. In Kosovo says the uncle, Arid is a devout Muslim, a young man of his religion take seriously.

finds the Internet a Arid U., presented himself as the defender of Islam, a young man who divided the world into believers and nonbelievers, Islamic rap musicians and Youtube preacher revered. "Abu R." called the 21-year-old in cyberspace, popular Youtube links to jihadist anthems and let his hatred of Jews and Shiites run free.

"Even if someone would call for a jihad," wrote Arid U.: "So what? That's just part of this beautiful religion. We must now fight infidels times when you are attacked. "

Islam and Muslims, Arid would be attacked. The Germans would be afraid of the spread of religion. "They want to hold dear, that adapt to the Muslims kindly and believe in Santa Claus," Arid U. wrote in December.

hatred of Germany and the "infidels Merkel"

The country in which he lived and grew up, seemed Arid U. in recent years to reject more and more. Germany, under the leadership of the "infidels Merkel, had fought with solidarity with Israel on the side of the Jews, the native of Kosovars," which is like a declaration of war ".

And Arid U. wanted to go to war. On a home computer was preparing the Islamist jihad against the. "Black Ops" is one of those war games that the 21-year-old loves to play.

"As before, only on gaming," said an old school friend. "A professional must remain just always in practice," said Arid answer. A photo of the shooter, described the death of Frankfurt as saying. "This is my killer look"

Arid U. sympathized with the radical Salafists scene

should be interesting for the investigators, whether Arid U. on Wednesday own acting, as he midnight ride, um Amerikaner zu töten. Aus den Internet-Spuren lässt sich ablesen, dass der Deutsch-Kosovare zumindest mit der deutschen Salafisten-Szene und ihren Größen Pierre Vogel, Sven Lau, Abou Ibrahim Nagdie und Abdullatif sympathisierte. Letzterer gilt als einflussreicher Prediger im Großraum Frankfurt.

Mehrfach wurden Sheikh Abdullatif Kontakte zur radikalen Szene bis hin in militante Dschihadisten-Kreise nachgesagt. In der vergangenen Woche durchsuchte die hessische Polizei mehrere Wohnungen in und um Frankfurt, darunter auch die von Abdullatif.

Die Beamten beschlagnahmten Material und verhörte den gebürtigen Marokkaner, nahmen ihn jedoch nicht fest. Abdullatif, so die Vermutung der Ermittler, soll junge Muslime have been recruited for jihad in order to convey it to Afghanistan and Pakistan for terrorist training.

The Ex-Berliner Rapper Deso Dogg, who converted to Islam and now "Abu Malik called, impressed the Frankfurt bombers Arid U. particularly evident. "I love you Allah!" Said the German-Kosovan a video of former musicians. "Abu Malik, who holds the Salafi missionary movement," True Religion "lectures in mosques came, called for a controversial song in the criticism, in which he extolled jihad and martyrdom.

Arid U. sucked the Islamist ideology seems on. From the computer gaming fan has step by step, a violent Islamist. "May the eyes of the rest never infidels" - this saying of a Muslim commander, U. selected as a favorite quote (source: 03/03/2011)

Well, what is said to always fall in terrorist attacks it. known name: Pierre Vogel, Sven Lau, Abou Ibrahim Abdullatif and Nagdi. I suggest the following: Due Anstifftung the terrorist attacks, off to Guantanamo Bay. Let's leave these preachers of hate but would like the Americans who will know how to get everything out of these pipes.


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