Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mays Boobs In Pokemon

Hochschwangere in Taufkirchen abgeschlachtet

Ein 18-jähriger Mann mit dem nach 1001 Nacht klingenden Namen Harun A. hat gestern in Taufkirchen/Vils seine 21-jährige hochschwangere Freundin Zorica H. und ihre ungeborene Tochter mit über hundert Messerstichen regelrecht abgeschlachtet. Eine besorgte Nachbarin alarmierte die Polizei, die die Leiche der Frau gefesselt im Schlafzimmer fand. Der Mann hat die Tat bereits gestanden. Der Sprecher des Polizeipräsidiums Oberbayern-Nord meint zum Mord: „Der Täter ist mit unglaublicher Brutalität procedure. The body had numerous cuts and stab wounds "

And now comes the hammer. Harun A., in which the juvenile justice should still be applied, is subject to a maximum sentence of ten years. Even if, in fact, the unborn child also died, the complaint may not be expressed in a double murder, the prosecutor's office. read "The child was not born yet, so we can not legally call it a homicide." The charge could exceed a forced termination of a pregnancy .

Here the source: tz-online

'm curious. If the prosecutor all looks so easy, then I could even imagine an acquittal. Of course, with an argument such as the boy was abused as a child or his parents are siblings, and he is now traumatized. The left-oriented judges, etc. Staatsanwählte would immediately join as ...


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