Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mays Boobs In Pokemon

Hochschwangere in Taufkirchen abgeschlachtet

Ein 18-jähriger Mann mit dem nach 1001 Nacht klingenden Namen Harun A. hat gestern in Taufkirchen/Vils seine 21-jährige hochschwangere Freundin Zorica H. und ihre ungeborene Tochter mit über hundert Messerstichen regelrecht abgeschlachtet. Eine besorgte Nachbarin alarmierte die Polizei, die die Leiche der Frau gefesselt im Schlafzimmer fand. Der Mann hat die Tat bereits gestanden. Der Sprecher des Polizeipräsidiums Oberbayern-Nord meint zum Mord: „Der Täter ist mit unglaublicher Brutalität procedure. The body had numerous cuts and stab wounds "

And now comes the hammer. Harun A., in which the juvenile justice should still be applied, is subject to a maximum sentence of ten years. Even if, in fact, the unborn child also died, the complaint may not be expressed in a double murder, the prosecutor's office. read "The child was not born yet, so we can not legally call it a homicide." The charge could exceed a forced termination of a pregnancy .

Here the source: tz-online

'm curious. If the prosecutor all looks so easy, then I could even imagine an acquittal. Of course, with an argument such as the boy was abused as a child or his parents are siblings, and he is now traumatized. The left-oriented judges, etc. Staatsanwählte would immediately join as ...

Sister Always Kicks Nuts

Reality-Show-Kandidatin durch Malmö gejagt

The ghettos in Sweden has reached a new high and with it the unrestrained entry of the Sharia. When shooting for the Swedish reality show "The Secret Millionaire," the candidate and the TV crew from South-Sofie Lund Malmö were "hunted" formally.

In the reality show "The Secret Millionaire let millionaires back her luxurious life for a short time and live incognito in poorer sections of society. They live and work for a week with the locals and finding individuals or projects, which at the end of the show, if they reveal their true identity, to give some of their assets. A TV show that blends perfectly into the world left Sweden. The rich give to the poor - redistribution of wealth on camera.

In the current episode should spend the candidate and hotel owner Salka Börjeson Eynon a week in South-Sofie Lund. The mainstream media such as Aftonbladet reported incorrectly handle it sich um das bereits bekannte Ghetto-Gebiet Rosengård.

Bei ihrer Ankunft konnten sie und das Fernseh-Team sogleich einen Eindruck vom Straßenleben bekommen. “Ich wurde tatsächlich schon von Löwen in Afrika verfolgt, aber das war nichts im Vergleich dazu!”, sagte die Hotelbesitzerin Salka Börjeson Eynon. Die jungen Männer umringten die Gruppe und schrien: “Wir haben unsere eigenen Gesetze! Ihr habt hier nichts verloren – das ist nicht Schweden!”

Die Tatsache, dass sie für den Verlauf der Fernsehshow im Erdgeschoss eines Wohnhauses untergebracht war, verschlimmerte die Situation noch weiter. Auch in den nächsten Tagen wurde sie bedrängt. “Sie kamen an approached me and shouted, 'We know that you're here! We see you all the time! ·

The situation came to a head so that the nominee had on the last day to move into a hotel. Eynon said: ". They tried the car door, the TV crew to tear open, beat on the roof and against the glass while an employee was sitting in the car"

Video (German subtitles are available, but must be shown also, bottom right of the video window is a Button, cc, click on the the subtitles are displayed)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Can Muslims Wear Dresses?

Berlin im Koma – ein “Einzelfall” als Lehrstück

The case of the painter journeyman Sebastian H., on 11 February 2011, shortly before midnight on the Berlin U-Bahnhof Lichtenberg of a four-member group of youths was kicked into a coma, the city is known, since four days ago, no peace. Since silt-like "individual cases" otherwise almost daily as drought couplet in the local news, the question arises of the reasons why it is different this time. But first the facts.

The hunt of Sebastian H. and the subsequent excess violence were recorded by a camera platform. is on the recordings to see how the 30-year-old runs away from the four young people until they catch him at the stairs to the platform, push down and come down on the already lying. As he straightens up dazed and supported on a pillar, it jumps to one of the perpetrators with full force. Then he robbed the motionless man lying on the ground in more pictures to passers-by are seen on the platform, which appeared to have come neither to help nor the police have called. When the police went a total of only one emergency call. The second victim was

after fleeing it was initially, by the perpetrators before the station tracked down again and also met. As a passer-by intervened and - according to the police - a "clear response" was, let the young people on their victim and fled. In the passer, it should be a member of the rock band "Bandidos".

recognition through violence prevention

A police officer saw the pictures of the camera platform to the dark-skinned students in a class again, with whom he had performed years ago a violence prevention seminar, which allowed all four culprits will be taken soon. They originate exclusively immigrant families (from Kenya, Albania, Kosovo and Iraq) and stated during her first interrogation, the painter and his fellow colleague, the same age they would have been provoked by "Sieg Heil!" Calls. This was however by police as "tactical collusion" evaluated and the defendants immediately withdrawn. The attack - so the police - have been from the outset aimed to hurt people seriously, and then rob them.

The sister of the displaced in an artificial coma Sebastian H. wrote on her Facebook page to the perpetrators: "I hate you abysmal ... I am a nurse and have a lot of bad things seen, but the sight of my own brother was the worst and most terrifying, what I have experienced and seen. "

The first and most important reason for the continued media interest and the significant proportion of the population in the case may lie in the fact that the raid randomly was documented by video camera and then spread on the Internet. A second reason is the fact that it has taken two craftsmen in typical occupational clothing that were on the way home from work beer. As well as listening to parts of the population that would otherwise be achieved by nothing more, and focus only on their daily struggle for survival. Correspondingly wide reported the Springer tabloid.

Remarkable conclusions

And suddenly suggests the justice that they could exploit the framework of existing laws, if they chose. Suddenly stay all four young people, even the 14-year-old in custody on but that was rejected in numerous similar cases, because a fixed place of residence was available and no risk of flight "was. And the alleged offense is - wait for it - "attempted murder and robbery in two cases (instead of" dangerous bodily injury ").

That's one of the many conclusions to be drawn from this case and make it symptomatic of the state of our society:

first Public pressure is sufficiently large, the judiciary can cuddle rug briefly turn back to the roaring tiger, now he would always be to maintain stability of the law.

second Public pressure in the mass media arises only due to the circumstances and softened quickly. The DuMont-sheet "Berliner Zeitung" suggested in a long in-depth articles, if the violence prevention seminars would not have been at the school of young people due to financial reasons, it might not come to the raid. Other media drew an NPD rally on the occasion of the raid in which a right-wing station district, decried the focus of their reporting, and expressed concern the well-known, such "isolated cases" could be from the extreme right "exploited" be.

3. Die wichtige Frage, ob all diese „Einzelfälle“ nicht möglicherweise einen gemeinsamen Hintergrund haben, der „Deutschenfeindlichkeit“ heißt, wurde nirgendwo thematisiert. Stattdessen werden aus dem hohlen Bauch heraus „soziale Probleme“ oder „Versagen der Gesellschaft“ bei der Integration unterstellt.

4. Die Plumpheit und bornierte Blindheit solcher Aussagen spielt perfekt zusammen mit der an den Tag gelegten Raffinesse der vier „Jugendlichen“, die offenbar aufgrund einer vorherigen Absprache versucht haben, die Nazikarte zu spielen. Das zeigt, dass sie den wunden Punkt der deutschen Gesellschaft ganz genau kennen. Die millionenschwere sozialpädagogische Integration industry and their "charges" - a super-team!

5th As stressed parts in several newspapers, was that it was for them not to "offenders" and that they had been "hardly noticeable" has become is, in the opinion of the video footage and obviously well trained jump, kick and knock-in "technology" the anxious question, how often these criminals used their tools have been in other people, not followed by attacks on record. Just do not get caught or stopped because of insignificance?

6th A question for Naika Foroutan, known from radio and television, "Sarrazin counter" as a female: If these young people may be prototypes of postulated by their "new Germans", which differ from the "ancient Germans" the pick, giving them their opinion in their new "HEYMAT" (hybrid European-Muslim identity models) is entitled to anyway? More seriously, Cancels here is not the envy and hatred of those railway, which is told from the left green politicians, social scientists and Islamic officials permanently, they have a right to "participation" in society, without this even something of power, respect, gratitude, etc. to have to return?

7th Not only the Lichtenberg station, but large parts of Berlin public space will wander in the evening hours to the legal vacuum in which the law reigns of the fittest, where gangs of "youths" with specific religious and cultural backgrounds who spread fear and terror and be stopped by anyone or controlled (and even if it is only tickets). Other terms and protestations of transportation companies ("There are at each station an emergency call button!") And the Berlin Senate, the pure mockery, as anyone who has the misfortune to be in the evening hours often have to go underground. That in this case just a rocker stopped the excess violence is a particularly bitter punchline. May be considered be to equip certain rock groups with extra police powers.

vigil of PI-Berlin

members of the PI-group met in Berlin on Saturday at a vigil in the subway station Lichtenberg. At the spot where the chase had begun to Sebastian H., burned many candles. Again and again people - by the way different colors and languages - and laid down flowers or read the spontaneously bonded to the list columns by using expressions of sympathy. "This was baseless and deliberately destroyed the life of a people." "Politicians, wake up and change the juvenile justice laws," "Zero tolerance for violent offenders, ! No migrants bonus "on a designed flyer was read:" BERLIN IN COMA - red-red senate. Dived, Justice: failed Police: Broken savings, public transport: reduced from station staff, citizens: cower away fearful "better way to the prevailing malaise in Berlin does not really sum up. Let's hope that the moment startled citizens preserve their displeasure to the House of Representatives elections in September and deselect these incompetent Senate.

For the PI group in Berlin, it was important to show solidarity at this point with the victims of this cowardly act, but also in conversations with passersby and passengers indicate dass es sehr wohl spezifische Probleme der Gewalt von Migranten gibt, die wenig mit der deutschen Mehrheitsgesellschaft und viel mit der Sozialisation der Täter in deren Herkunftsgesellschaften zu tun haben. Dabei rannten wir bei der überwiegenden Mehrzahl der Menschen, die jeweils einige Minuten am Ort der Mahnwache verharrten, offene Türen ein. Die Bevölkerung weiß ganz genau, welche „Gruppen von Jugendlichen“ gewalttätig sind, und sie ist dabei klug genug, nicht auf die ausländerfeindlichen Rattenfänger der NPD hereinzufallen.

Ach, übrigens: Der 13-Jährige Kevin, der kurze Zeit später in Reinickendorf einer „kiezbekannten Jugendgang“ auf dem Bürgersteig met, was also met because he "looked wrong" had. "He was just at the wrong time, wrong place," said the father at the bedside of his son's resignation. And in the case of a 39-year-old man who was crushed in a train station in Lichterfelde of two young men from migrant families, this time an other passengers intervened and prevented worse. In both cases there was no video.

Source: Pi-news

Saturday, February 19, 2011

How To Remove Shower Piping

Islamunterricht in England - Koran Schule, Gewalt und Züchtigung!

Young children are beaten up, shampooing it's best!

This is the real Islam!

Does Myammee Have Breast Implants

CBN News: Frankreich vor dem Bürgerkrieg (deutsche Untertitel)

These conditions we have already built. It is time that is cleaned up.

How Can Make An Aux Into Boombox

Türkischer Theologe: Frauen mit Dekolleté Schuld an Vergewaltigungen

As if we had not known it long ago: Women with plunging necklines are themselves to blame if they are raped then. That means at least the Turkish theology professor Orhan Ceker (photo right) from the Anatolian Konya, joining the long list of Turkish politicians and theologians who can be said of a fundamentalist Islamic sentiment .

But his comments make itself present in the re-islamisierten Türkei für einen Sturm der Empörung. Frauenverbände – ja sogar das türkische Religionsamt – kritisieren Ceker scharf. Fürchtet man, dass die Politik und die Medien im europäischen Ausland ansonsten auf die Idee kommen könnten, dass eine re-islamierte Türkei für den EU-Beitritt nicht geeignet ist? Eigentlich kein Grund zur Besorgnis, denn die politische Korrektheit und Borniertheit hat zumindest den größten Teil der deutschen Politiker und Medien fest im Griff.

Die WELT berichtet:
Theologe gibt Dekolleté Schuld an sexueller Gewalt
Eine Frau mit tiefem Ausschnitt müsse sich über eine Vergewaltigung not surprising, says theology professor Orhan Ceker. Now, a cry goes through the country.
A Turkish theologian has justified sexual violence against women with the sight of low-cut necklines and triggered a storm of indignation. How the Turkish press reported that the prosecutor initiated an investigation against the theology professor Orhan Ceker from the Central Anatolian Konya.
members of women's groups protested in several cities against the statements of theologians. Also, the state religious official, criticized the professor. According
Ceker must wonder women are not with plunging neckline, if they were raped. The expression of was rejected by the Turkish Higher Education Authority and University Cekers own sharp. Participants in a women's demonstration in Istanbul said, after all, had given no notice Ceker openly with his utterance as a misogynist. Also in the western Turkish Izmir feminists took to the streets.
The head of the Turkish religious duties, Mehmet Görmez grabbed Ceker to as well. The rules of Islam should not be used as a pretext to justify sexual violence, said Görmez. Sexual abuse and rape are not only crimes against women, but crimes against humanity.
He could not imagine that a Turkish Theologe so etwas behaupte. Ceker gab unterdessen an, seine Äußerungen seien falsch wiedergegeben worden.
Besonders deutlich wird die Heuchelei des türkischen Religionsamtes im letzten Teil des Artikels. Mehmet Görmez kritisiert Ceker zunächst und stellt den Islam als missbrauchte Religion dar, um anschließend deutlich zu machen, dass er sich eine solche Äußerung eines türkischen Theologen nicht vorstellen kann. Nein, Islam und sexuelle Gewalt haben in keiner Weise etwas miteinander zu tun. Tagtägliche sexuelle Gewalt, die von Moslems an ihren Frauen überall in der islamischen Welt ausgeübt wird, und frauenfeindliche Koransuren (Sure 2.223: Eure Frauen sind für euch ein Saatfeld. Geht to your tilth, where ever you like) seem nothing to do with Islam have. Remains finally again noted only: "Islam has nothing to do with Islam.

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Bewaffnete Zivilcourage?

In connection with the brutal assault in Lichtenberg, where four "young people" (Iraq, Kosovo, Bosnia, Kenya), two painters attacked robbed, and one of them life-threatening injuries to report various newspapers ( IMAGE , WORLD , Abendblatt ) by an armed rescuers. The second robbery victim was allegedly chased by the men of violence and escaped a possible life-terminating cultural enrichment only by a member of a motorcycle club. The allegedly opened his jacket and displayed a weapon - the descendants of Ali Baba then looked into the distance.

As the German media beat for years and demonize into intimate unity to the lawful possession of weapons, firearms, the right to legal gun ownership and of course also the legal gun owners themselves (most recently evident in the coverage of the attempted restriction the legal possession of a firearm in Switzerland). But based on this incident is yet again clearly what have already been several studies from the United States: but the showing of a firearm deters violent criminals – die suchen nämlich keine Gegner, sondern wehrlose Opfer, und scheuen das Risiko (Standardwerk: “More guns, less crime” von Lott).

Aber es steht nicht zu erwarten, dass nach solchen Vorkommnissen ein Umdenken einsetzt. Das war nach den bisherigen zahlreichen Einzelfällen™ nicht so und wird auch leider nach den nächsten, garantiert folgenden Vorfällen nicht so sein. Da werden noch viele wehrlose Menschen im wahrsten Sinne ihres Wortes den Kopf hinhalten müssen.

Den Bürger wünscht man sich in den Redaktionsstuben (und auch in der Politik) offenbar wehrlos. An legalen Waffenbesitz sind riesige, an ein “Führen”, d.h. griffbereit bei sich Tragen of a firearm are almost insurmountable obstacles tied. On the legal background is a very informative article at peculiarly free .

If so have been a gun in the game, this and the driving was probably illegal. And consequently the police are looking now for an unknown putative savior - if you want to give it to the vacant Margot Käßmannn cancellation Zivilcouragepreis? Or maybe it will be rather similar for illegal weapons possession "Reward" for his eventual good deed?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Leg Hair Loss And Burning In Men

Die wahren Ägypter! CBS Reporterin auf dem Tahir Platz Vergewaltigt !

On 11 February 2011, the date earlier than the Egyptian dictator Mubarak resigned, celebrated on the Cairo Liberation Square (Tahrir Square) a huge crowd. The young blonde American correspondent Lara Logan reported live on the joy of the Egyptians. Then the unexpected happened: About 200 men they pressed on her camera crew.
Kurz nach diesem Foto fielen die Ägypter über Lara Logan her
Und mehrere junge Männer fielen - mitten auf dem Tahrir-Platz - über sie her und vergewaltigten sie. Am nächsten Tag flog sie mit dem ersten Flugzeug aus Kairo raus und will nun nie wieder nach Ägypten. Es war nicht die einzige Vergewaltigung auf dem "Platz der Befreiung". Der US-Sender CBS und die Reporterin wollen nie wieder etwas zu dem Fall sagen. Aber weil mehrere Kollegen darüber berichtet hatten, bestätigten Now the "serious sexual assault" on the "Liberation Square. (Source: CBS February 15, 2011). Lara Logan is now with her severe injuries in a New York hospital because it was after the brutal sex attack also beaten by several Egyptians. Left journalists now make fun of the blonde victims - the journalist "should nevertheless not do so ..." (See, eg Daily Caller February 15, 2011).

Well, for the Thema, Befreiung. Die Ägypter wollen keine Freiheit, die wollen den Islamismus, den mit dem Islamismus dürfen die ja Vergewaltigen und Morden wie sie wollen. Kinder und Frauen werden versklavt und vergewaltigt. DAS IST DER WAHRE ISLAM!!!

Protein Sythesis Is An Anabolic Process

Noch mehr Moslems, noch mehr Terroristen. Europa ade!!!

Tausende Tunesier sind ins italienische Lampedusa geflüchtet, jetzt schlägt die Stunde von Frontex: Die EU-Grenzschutztruppe steht vor ihrem nächsten Einsatz, um den Flüchtlingsstrom zu stoppen. Menschenrechtler sind alarmiert - ihnen sind die Frontex-Aktionen schon lange suspekt.

Berlin/Lampedusa - Es wird wieder sehr martialisch aussehen: Schwerbewaffnete Männer in dunklen Uniformen, on ships or in the helicopter - especially in contrast to the wretched refugees in their rickety boats. Just as in 2006 when EU Frontex border guards had their first big gig. At that time she stood up to refugees seeking the way from Africa to Malta and the Canary Islands - mainly Europe.

Even before Lampedusa crossed the Frontex people of his time. The Italian island in the Mediterranean, halfway between Tunisia and Sicily, situated in the coming days once the application of EU border troops. "The operation will begin in a few days," said Frontex director Ilkka Laitinen, a commission spokesman in Brussels said the same amount.

Not until after thousands of Tunisians sent in recent days to Lampedusa Italy translated and calls for help to Europe, Frontex has become a buzz word in politics. Since there are the border guards, military rule over their operations. Some see in the agency an appropriate means of deterrence, an effective tool to keep unwanted refugees from the continent. Others think Frontex for a symbol of the EU-foreclosure policy, which remains questionable actions against human rights does not stop.

Laitinen, Frontex Director does not understand this criticism. And who on Tuesday witnessed a press conference in Berlin, can the friendly gentleman from Finland actually difficult as the head of a brutal gang grab imagine. Laitinen, rimless glasses, gray hair, side parting is the guy-friendly Nokia manager. He speaks on the edge of the 14th European police congress of the "very serious situation" around Lampedusa, which is why "operation of its employees" was imminent. Of course that emphasizes Laitinen, only in support of the Italian police and border guards. A day or two it will probably take some time before his men were already in Italy.

Frontex is from the Greek border for months in use

And in a moment, in the FRONTEX already on the edge of its capacity a few hundred kilometers to the northeast in use is: In the autumn of last year, the EU force of Greece was called in to help: The local authorities were with the growing influx of refugees overwhelmed the flows on the Turkish-Greek border into Europe. Since then, there are also German police officers in action, according to the Interior Ministry is currently 23 out of federal and state governments. For since the start of 2005, Frontex staff of the organization, based in Warsaw, although grown to around 220 - but with operations in Greece and now in front of Lampedusa is to rely almost exclusively on police from the EU countries. Frontex has also not own boats or helicopters, which also lends to the member countries.

Still lies in the interior ministry apparently no request for the use of Lampedusa. But he could not "imagine" that German police would not participate in it, says Laitinen, Frontex director at his press conference and a smile.

the more understandable that the Frontex debate now boils up again in Germany. And some even take the example of Lampedusa as an opportunity to be in principle. Hans-Peter Uhl, for example, internal expert of the CDU. He has a lot left over for EU border guards. Moreover, he wants to expand their powers and ensure that refugee flows can be warded off even better. His demand: more staff, more responsibilities.

But the opponents move. Especially human rights organizations fear that the use of border guards will once again be controlled by anyone really. The Frontex mandates were "deliberately airy, criticized Karl Kopp, European expert at the refugee organization Pro Asyl. Critics complain again and again the lack of transparency of the operations. Frontex was operating independently often as brutal defensive struggle is being waged, is not really apparent. Kopp asks: "Frontex must be made clear at last, errors must be justiciable."

The Green MEP and former Germany boss-from Amnesty International, Barbara Lochbihler, and on a Frontex "a high lack of transparency. If you have doubts as to whether the Authority is going more with human rights." Tom Koenigs, Member of Parliament of the Green Party, speaks of "weak" mechanisms for the control of the operations. The end of the week he wants to Warsaw travel and discuss with the Frontex management, as the mandate could be expanded to make them less vulnerable. If it were up to him, should make the border guards will not only defensive actions, but also to "organize legal Inempfangnahme of refugees."

Pro-asylum-man Kopp recommends fundamentally opposed, the humanitarian crisis situation in Lampedusa prevent police operations to want - and thus against Frontex. "Instead of security forces it needs a rule of law, how to deal with the refugees," he says and pushes behind ". You can not hyping up the democracy movement in Tunisia, then they fight but the consequences of police forces" Source: 16.02,

The best thing would evacuate the island of Lampedusa to compensate all the Italians and then blow up! The military should slowly but think about it torpedoes against the Flüchtingsbote use. Merkt can not even as long as Frontex is not there so we do a few terrorists flat.

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Berlin: Jugendliche treten Handwerker ins Koma

“Diese Menschen mit ihrer vielfältigen Kultur, ihrer Herzlichkeit und ihrer Lebensfreude sind eine Bereicherung für uns alle!” , erklärte vor drei Jahren die Integrationsbeaufragte der Bundesregierung, Maria Böhmer (CDU). Ob das der 30-jährige Handwerker, der am Freitag im Berliner U-Bahnhof Lichtenberg von vier “Jugendlichen” ins Koma geprügelt wurde, genauso sieht, darf bezweifelt werden. Ein Video der Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe zeigt jetzt, wie brutal die Täter, die inzwischen gefasst wurden, vorgegangen sind.
Der Berliner Tagesspiegel reports:
Three 17-year and a 14-year-old were arrested under strong suspicion. They are attacked shortly before midnight on Friday a 30-year-old with punches and kicks have. The sacrifice of life is in danger. Video recordings of the LPP show how one of the perpetrators come out full speed to the victim against the upper body.
The two 30-year-old painter, who were after having a beer on the way home, were attacked on the platform, apparently without cause by the four persons. While one could escape injured, the other to the defenseless victims. The perpetrators robbed him of personal property and fled.
The Unconscious was finally discovered by passers-by who alerted police and firefighters. In the course of Sunday, the condition of the man deteriorated dramatically. The hospital then informed the police. Why the colleague of the man reported no display, remained unclear. After evaluation of the video took on a homicide investigations. The German remains to be in a coma. Police seek witnesses of fact, which can be seen in the pictures, but have not reported.
Thanks to the images could be obtained quickly the perpetrators: A police officer noticed a light Berger apparently originating from Kenya 17 years back because he had recently participated in a prevention event in his school. There he was dann Dienstagmittag festgenommen. Er verriet die Namen seiner mutmaßlichen Komplizen aus Albanien, dem Kosovo und dem Irak. Diese wurden im Laufe des Nachmittags festgenommen.
Sichtlich enttäuscht von der offensichtlichen Täterbeschreibung schreibt die WELT :
Der Berliner Bezirk Lichtenberg gilt als Hochburg von Neonazis. Auf dem Videofilm war aber zu sehen, dass die jugendlichen Täter aus arabisch- oder afrikanischstämmigen Familien kommen.
Nein, das waren bestimmt verkappte Neonazis, die sich ihre Haare schwarz gefärbt haben. Wir fordern: Mehr Gelder für den Kampf gegen Rechts™!

Man sind die Mutig! Kleine Nigga Moslems! Zu viert gegen einen...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

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Zerreißt das Buch (Koran) der Barbarei und befreit die Welt von der Seuche namens Islam!

incredible plays in these days starting on German roads. A group of motley Counterjihadisten teamed up to rip along the lines of the Iranian freedom movement Korans. Particularly piquant is the fact that the actions already taken place have taken place before "Moschäen.

Leave The initiators of this action :
"We, a group of activists from the German und Exiliranern sowie ein polnischer Staatsbürger und – haltet Euch fest – ein Ex-Moslem, haben uns aufgemacht, Solidarität mit der Freiheitsbewegung im Iran zu üben und uns dazu dem Netzwerk Demokratischer Widerstand ( angeschlossen.
Hier wurden wir auf eine Aktion aufmerksam, die uns von der ersten Minute an gefiel, sie lautet: „Zerreiße den Koran“. Eigentlich initiiert von der iranischen Widerstandsbewegung in Teheran und Esfahan, also direkt im Herzen des Islams.“
Mich macht es sehr stolz, dass Menschen die in Europa leben, eine Aktion des iranischen Counterjihad übernommen haben, um gegen den Islam zu protestieren und gleichzeitig ihre Solidarität mit den Islamgegnern in Iran zu zeigen.
Die Aktion geht aber weit darüberhinaus, denn mutig erklären die Counterjihadisten das Jahr 2011 zum „Zerreiß den Koran Jahr“. Wir sind gespannt welche Kreise diese Aktion noch ziehen wird und werden euch auf dem Laufenden halten. Danke geht auch an unseren Freund Nemesis mit seinem Blog „ Marg bar eslam „, der die ganze Aktion bekannter gemacht hat.
Ausserdem appelliere ich an alle befreundeten Blogger über diese mutige Aktion zu berichten und dafür zu sorgen, dass diese Aktion das Jahr 2011 bestimmt. Nirgends mehr soll man mehr laufen können ohne mit seinen Schuhen auf zerrissene Koranseiten to connect.
Tear the book of barbarism and free the world from the disease called Islam!

Source: Tangsir

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Sarkozy also said to have failed multicultural

swing more and more European leaders and heads of state so slow on the course of Dutch Islam critic Geert Wilders to: Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel ("Multiculturalism has failed completely") , Horst Seehofer ("Omni is dead") and recently David Cameron has failed even French President Nicolas Sarkozy once again express the multiculturalism in Europe explained.
Sarkozy said on Thursday evening in the French television station TF1 : "In any democracy, you have to be very busy with the identity of the person who came to us, and not enough with the identity of the country that has welcomed him. We do not want a society in which a community is adjacent to the other, "the French president.

The Austrian press writes:
who come to France, must rise "in a single society, national society," urged the president. "If one does not accept, does not come after you Frankreich.” Im Übrigen könne Frankreich nicht jeden aufnehmen, “sonst explodiert unser Immigrationssystem”.
Sarkozy gegen öffentliche Gebete

Die muslimischen Mitbürger müssten ganz normal leben und ihre Religion ausüben können wie etwa christliche oder jüdische Staatsbürger, sagte Sarkozy. Aber “wir sind ein laizistisches Land”, Kirche und Staat seien getrennt. “Wir wollen nicht, dass auf demonstrative Weise auf der Straße gebetet wird.” Frankreich wolle, dass Männer und Frauen gleichgestellt seien, dass auch kleine Mädchen zur Schule gehen dürften und dass Prediger nicht zu Gewalt aufriefen, betonte der Staatschef.
“Meine Antwort ist eindeutig”, sagte Sarkozy auf die Frage, ob der Multikulturalismus gescheitert sei. “Ja, es ist ein Scheitern.” Er sei in dieser Frage der gleichen Meinung wie Merkel und der britische Premierminister David Cameron.
Jetzt müssen den hehren Worten nur endlich auch mal Taten folgen… Hier ein Tip, keine Linke mehr wählen, sondern nur noch Rechts und Christliche Parteien. Europa hat genug!

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The Muslim Brotherhood: Allah green Nazis

Bei den Umbrüchen in der arabischen Welt gilt die Muslimbruderschaft als wichtigste »Oppositionsgruppe«. Was will diese Organisation? Steht sie wirklich für den demokratischen Wandel? Im Dezember 2010 hat das amerikanische Meinungsforschungsinstitut PEW Ergebnisse einer großen Umfrage unter Muslimen in islamischen Staaten veröffentlicht, die aufhorchen lassen. Demnach wünschen sich 59 Prozent der Ägypter einen streng islamischen Staat, der von Islamisten regiert wird. 85 Prozent der Ägypter fordern die Todesstrafe für jene, die sich vom Islam lossagen und Religionsfreiheit wünschen. Die Muslimbruderschaft ist die einzige Gruppe, die diese undemokratischen Ziele politisch in allen arabischen Staaten verwirklichen will. Denn das erklärte Ziel der Muslimbruderschaft is the destruction of liberal Western democracy and the reestablishment of the caliphate - an Islamic theocracy, in which there is no separation of church and state, no political pluralism, no freedom, no equality and no human rights.

In December 2010, let the American polling firm PEW has released results of a major survey of Muslims in Islamic states, the sit up. Accordingly, 59 percent of Egyptians want a strict Islamic state, ruled by the Islamists. 85 percent of Egyptians seek the death penalty for those who renounce Islam and religion do. The Muslim Brotherhood is the only group that seeks to achieve these goals politically undemocratic in all Arab countries. Because the aim of the Muslim Brotherhood, the destruction of liberal Western democracy and the reestablishment of the caliphate is - an Islamic theocracy, in which there is no separation of church and state, no political pluralism, no freedom, no equality and no human rights.

In Germany, the Muslim Brotherhood has 30 January 2011 published a manifesto in which she calls her goals for the German speaking countries. It states unequivocally about: "The fundamentals of our Religion sent by Allah, so there is, unlike the Christian Bible, no historical-critical interpretations that could lead to a Euro-Islam. to ensure [...] To our human right to be allowed to live as Muslims, we call in the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Austria, the legal equality of Islam with Christian and Jewish religious communities, according to the prosecution of anti-Semitism: the criminalization of Islamophobia, the right to as well as Christians and Jews in the occupation of relevant departments exercise decisive influence that religious instruction in schools - as well as Christians and Jews - make for Muslims with their own teachers to, as Christians and Jews influence on the design of public service broadcasting, and - as in Britain - Sharia courts, which are occupied by Muslims and civil law, especially family law conflict can be judged according to Islamic law. "

is the slogan of the Muslim Brotherhood: "Allah is our goal. The Prophet is our leader. The Koran is our law. The Jihad is our way. to die on the way of Allah is our highest hope. "Few Europeans familiar with the Muslim Brotherhood. She is even the ideological nucleus of almost all present islamischen Terrororganisationen. Die radikalen Ideen der Muslimbruderschaft haben ganze Generationen von Islamisten geprägt. Was aber will die Muslimbruderschaft? Wer gründete sie und welchen Einfluss nimmt sie heute auf die Muslime der Welt?

Im Geschichtsunterricht haben wir Europäer Ursachen und Entstehung des Nationalsozialismus kennengelernt. Die Weltwirtschaftskrise der zwanziger Jahres des vergangenen Jahrhunderts, soziale Spannungen, Massenarbeitslosigkeit und das Aufkommen von »Führern«, die den Massen die »Errettung« versprachen. Während der Aufstieg des Nationalsozialismus heute als fester Bestandteil zum europäischen Schulunterricht gehört, ist die Entstehung der totalitären Ideology of the Islamists in the environment of the Muslim Brotherhood for European students a blank spot. Not a European textbook deals with this development.

In the totalitarian ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood was created at the same time, Europeans took the Nazis his career. It was the same historical circumstances, the same historical processes that they promoted. Those who study this history will not only see parallels, but rather were Nazism and totalitarian ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood, a close alliance - an alliance that has continued until the present. In a time when rumbling in Europe brownshirts in the streets walked, moved to Cairo, the green shirts of the Muslim Brotherhood through the streets. Meanwhile, the Muslim Brothers in Europe have woven a dense network of mosques and mosque associations, which are also attributed to the constitutional protection of the constitutional anti-Muslim Brotherhood. But European journalists fawn over the representatives of these groups, surprisingly, as "opposition politicians, because they occur today in green shirts, but in Western suits. Their totalitarian ideology, however, is still the same as they once did with Adolf Hitler marched together.

read the full text of this article in the current issue of the background information service KOPP Exclusive .


Words Of Condolence Sample

Muslims, Europe's culture destroyer .... The Islamic

Frankfurt: Afghan Culture Association fooled the Germans ...
was originally the Afghan Cultural Association promised to part with his force as extremist imam. But he still works there as a janitor. City and politics agree: this is not acceptable. Politicians feel betrayed Afghan culture by the club. As previously reported, had promised this in the summer of 2010, to part with because of his radical positions designated as hate preacher Imam Said Khobaib Sadat. But in the process of Sadat's expulsion came out now: He works as a janitor in the cultural association. This was a deliberate deception, raises a politician before club. Its chairman Mohammed Nasim Samet does not understand the fuss. He neither our Imam or a club member, has promised as we is. "He ist doch jetzt nur "Hausmeister". (Quelle: Frankfurter Neue Presse Februar 2011 ).  
Glasgow: Orientalische Gruppenvergewaltiger machen Jagd auf Frauen
Die Polizei in Glasgow hat Frauen dazu aufgerufen, nicht mehr allein auf die Straßen zu gehen, weil Gruppen von Orientalen (Männer mit "middle eastern appearance") nach Women seeking that can rape her. Now about the BBC reported. Is only three Orientals a 37-year-old woman was attacked and brutally raped on the way home (Source: BBC February 11, 2011).
London: Pakistani pediatrician Dr. Sabah makes Al-Zayyat British toddler die
In London the fellow citizen Dr. Sabah Al-Zayyat lost their registration as a doctor and was from the register of Paediatricians deleted. The "expert" medical education had made in Pakistan and then practiced in Saudi Arabia. In 2004 she then moved to Great Britain. However, it has obviously no idea of children's medicine. The 17-month-old little Briton Peter Conolly was taken with her to the hospital with serious injuries, including a broken spine. The doctor was Dr. Sabah Al-Zayyat nothing, saw the little boy as "annoying restless" and sent him away again. Then the boy died - the Pakistani "doctor" is "affected" (Source: Daily Mail February 11, 2011).
Bradford/Großbritannien: Asjid Mahmood und Arshed Mahmood verbrennen drei Menschen
Zwei Mitbürger aus dem islamischen Kulturkreis, Asjid Mahmood und Arshed Mahmood,  haben in Bradford/Großbritannien eine Frau und ihre zwei Kinder in deren Wohnhaus verbrannt. Sie hatten sich mit einem Familienangehörigen über den Preis für ein Fahrzeug gestritten. Es ging um die Ehre. Da mussten die Frau und die Kinder "der Ehre halber" dran glauben (Quelle: Daily Mail 11. Februar 2011 ). 

Stuttgart: Südländer zerren junge Frau in Kombi und vergewaltigen sie
Die Polizei Stuttgart look for three southerners who have a 27-year-old woman in the area of Gable Berger main street in Stuttgart-Ost raised in, dragged into a dark car station wagon and later raped. The 27-year-old was raised on his way to clock 0.15 by three unknown men at the mouth Schlößlestraße. continue as they wanted, the men they are dragged into a vehicle parked on the roadside and have to be set off. They abused the woman in the car and brought it to 02.00 clock back to the main road Gable Berger. Then they drove away with the dark passenger station wagon. (Source: Daily Post February 2011 Gmünder ).
USA: Muslim cut his wife head off
Migrant workers need the land, for anything anyone can. Just as Muslim Muzzammil Hassan (46). He has his wife (37), a mother of two children, simply cut off the head. For he felt that his wife mistreated. As a professional he has been in a supermarket where he bought a knife for tested its sharpness. A security camera filmed him in the supermarket. He planned the deed so quietly. (Source: Daily Mail February 8, 2011).

Germany: Orientals welcome - ethnic German as second class citizens
Immigrant Muslims are courted in Deutschkand. Against They are ethnic Europeans pile of crap. Learn how to treat a son of Libyan dictator Gaddafi in Munich: "Whenever Saif al-Arab Gaddafi has trouble with the Munich police, herumt it comes to anger: The 29-year-old is the son of the ruler Muammar al-Gaddafi. And to his dad he can, even away leaving the home. For Saif al-Arab bought Libya's head of state until the villa of the ex-HRE-manager Georg Funke. But who was the son of man has been refurbished then too small, so he moved from the Bavarian court in Waldperlach. For five years, Saif studied in Munich, allegedly Medicine at the Technical Universität. Doch statt Professoren fiel der Lebemann viel öfter der Polizei auf. Zuletzt wurde ein Verfahren wegen Waffenschmuggels eingestellt. Hat der erwartete Zorn Muammar al-Gaddafis, der nur wegen eines Verfahren gegen einen anderen Sohn erst 2008 der Schweiz den Ölhahn zudrehte, deutsche Beamte kuschen lassen? „Uns interessiert nicht, was in der Schweiz läuft“, erklärte am Montag die Staatsanwaltschaft auf tz-Anfrage. Immerhin habe sie auch mehrere Razzien durchgeführt. Doch wenn keine Beweise gefunden werden, könne es auch kein Gerichtsverfahren geben. Das Polizeipräsidium teilte indes mit: „Es gab immer wieder auch Gespräche mit Vertretern der Libyschen Botschaft.“ Die tz schildert the dark life of Gaddafi's son: Gaddafi Gas: Expensive cars in the second youngest Gaddafi's son calls his own: including a Hummer, a Cadillac Escalade, a Jeep and a Bentley Continental GT. Munich police were able to transport him to do it often enough: Four times they stopped Saif al-Arab and for a forced blood sample he had his lobes for drink-driving issue at times. A Ferrari 430, the police seized in 2007, because the sports car with 110.5 decibels too loud roared. Brawl in a disco: How Islam Gaddafi is sometimes the dad, the liberal son of wanted man Saif al-Arab on 18 November 2006 at the Disco 4004 party: A friend stripped, and when they fall even her bra ließ, war das zu viel. Türsteher warfen die Gruppe hinaus und Gaddafi junior mischte in der folgenden Prügelei mit, wobei ein 19-jähriger Russe verletzt wurde. Ein Ermittlungsverfahren stellte die Staatsanwaltschaft wegen geringen öffentlichen Interesses ein. Dennoch blieb das Ego des Diktatoren-Sohns äußerst angekratzt. Mordplan aus Rache? Ein bosnischer Freund Gaddafis erzählte den Behörden, als er selbst in dessen Visier geriet, vom Jähzorn Saids: Ihn habe er beauftragt, Rache an dem 4004-Türsteher zu nehmen. 100 000 Euro sei dem Libyer ein Mord wert gewesen, ein abgehacktes Bein die Hälfte, berichtet die SZ. Doch ein offizielles Protokoll dieser Aussage gab es nicht. Auch hier beendete die Staatsanwaltschaft the case - "lack of detailed information." Weapons in Waldperlach: The Bosnians also confirmed other statements that Gaddafi's son has a small weapons cache - including with a revolver and an assault rifle G35. However, after raids in Gaddafi's suite at the Bavarian court and in the Forest Villa Perlacher the police had to pull off again without success. The student led officials probably around by the nose. Smuggling by Car: In March 2007, the Foreign Office denied a request of Libya, the Qaddafi's son to put on the list of accredited diplomats. Promptly declared Libya a German diplomat of the embassy in Tripoli for unwanted and Saif al-Arab drove with diplomatic license plates. Exactly this car was used according to the chief of a security company as a hiding place for Gaddafi's weapons: This is because the raids themselves did not trust the officers approached the alleged diplomatic car. Only after an inquiry in Bavaria Berlin Justice Department learned of the illegal "CC" sign on the car. After all, the special license plates had to Gaddafi and removable. But Gaddafi's weapons were, meanwhile, long ago in a Paris hotel: His security chief testified that were smuggled to the BMW 760Li not only weapons but also ammunition and 200 imitations of Rolex watches from the country. About this coup had laughed heartily Gadhafi, reports the Mirror, citing a police investigator: ". At some point, turns the federal intelligence service, then for our final" dinner with the police chief: A Spit attack on a police officer and the many raids aroused then but the bad conscience of the dictator's son: in August said Saif al- Gaddafi in Arab police chief Wilhelm Schmidbauer, and asked him for 28 for dinner with his lawyer and his secretaries in the Bayerischer Hof. The unsavory history was after the luxury food "wiped off diplomatically," quoted an official of the SZ. Schmidbauer's view from the meeting was a resounding success: after all, he was able to make it clear to the Libyans that apply to him in Germany, no other laws. Last weekend, told prosecutors in Munich, with, ultimately, that a case was closed because of gun-running against Gadhafi - for lack of evidence. After all, Gaddafi has since been with the Munich prosecutors as good "(Source: TZ online February 8, 2011). The question remains:. Who is in the East under the Libyans still be really surprised if these unscrupulous Orientale together his nasty clan at some point somewhere, dangling from a lamppost ...?
In Dänemark müssen sich Christen und Juden jetzt in zwei Städten verstecken
Schockierende Nachrichten aus dem multikulturellen Dänemark, über die uns nun die Zeitung Copenhagen Post berichtet: In den dänischen Städten Odense und Aarhus müssen sich Juden und Christen jetzt verstecken, weil Mohammedaner ihnen die Fahrzeuge anstecken oder sie einfach so verprügeln. In der dänischen Zeitung Politiken heißt es sogar, die Entwicklung bewege sich in den dänischen Moslem-Wohngebieten auf eine neue "Apartheid" zu, weil Nicht-Muslime there would be oppressed by Muslims and tortured. The religious tensions are therefore resistant to, in Aarhus Christian churches must now pay for security forces to prevent them from being attacked by Muslims (Source: Copenhagen Post February 3, 2011 )


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mental Health Insurance Diagnosis Parody


Even before yesterday reported PI Said Musa, the one in Afghanistan threatens the gallows, because he converted to Christianity. Spiegel Online reports today about the case and schlildert the terrible backgrounds. It sounds as if die SS am Werk. Über Stockschläge, Folter, Vergewaltigung; und was man in Kabul sonst noch so mit „dreckigen Tieren“ tut.

Der Spiegel schreibt:

Erstmals seit seiner Festnahme durfte Musa jetzt einem Journalisten ein Interview geben. Die Agenten hätten ihn “72 Tage lang gegrillt”, sagte er der “Sunday Times”. “Sie schlugen mich und folterten mich mit Stöcken. Sie sagten mir, ich solle zurück zum Islam konvertieren. Als ich mich weigerte, nannten sie mich einen dreckigen Ungläubigen”, zitiert die Zeitung ihn. Außerdem sei er aufgefordert worden, weitere Afghanen sowie Ausländer zu benennen, die Christen seien. Als he refused, he was beaten again.

Later he was transferred to a normal prison in Kabul where he was beaten by both prison staff and by fellow prisoners and sexually abused.

Musa went over nine years ago from Islam to Christianity. One of the reasons he is silent, but the Sunday Times, citing friends of his, he was shocked by television images of a bomb attack in Pakistan's Karachi - he wondered why Muslims killed innocent people and have to be baptized then. "The Bible has taught me to love my enemies," the newspaper quotes Musa. “Sie hat mich gelehrt, die andere Wange hinzuhalten, wenn mich jemand verletzt hat.”

Ein Richter und ein islamischer Geistlicher besuchten Musa laut “Sunday Times” in seiner Gefängniszelle und drohten ihm mit seiner Hinrichtung innerhalb von drei Tagen, sollte er sich nicht wieder zum Islam bekennen. Als Musa sich weigerte, soll der Mullah die Wärter angewiesen haben, “dieses schmutzige Tier” aus der Zelle zu holen und zu schlagen. Erst auf Druck der US-Botschaft sei er in eine sichere Zelle verlegt worden und werde von Schlägen verschont. Auch mehrere Anwälte sollen sich geweigert haben, Musa zu verteidigen, solange er sich nicht zum Islam bekenne.

Im Vergleich the torture prisons of Islamic countries Guantanamo seems almost like a five star hotel. Nevertheless, the criticism is on the west approach of the Americans everywhere. What do Muslims do to infidels sheared off, however, no one, especially not in the left green camp. This should startle even the self-proclaimed anti-fascists, when people are getting them with sticks, torture and rape are to provide a state ideology episode, and those who do not are referred to as "animals". In Kabul, the SS of the 21 Century at work. Which nowadays Islamic - and they are not only there.

Comic Kamehasutra 2 En Color

Again Indonesia: Mob sets fire to two churches

Indonesia comes from the headlines not out. No sooner had we digested the terrible images of the killing of three people by an angry mob halfway, Muslims burned down two Christian churches and now further damaged. The occasion was one in their view too mild a sentence against a Christian who had insulted Islam.

Indonesia was indeed long been considered the flagship state for moderate Islam. Currently, however, work for a no small number of followers of the religion of peace zealously working to dismantle this state.

reported Spon:

Some 1,500 Muslims protested on Tuesday in the town of Java. Some of them set fire to two churches and damaged others - from Anger at a ruling against a Christian for insulting Islam. The man was sentenced to a police spokesman said a maximum of such offense maximum penalty of five years in prison because he had distributed leaflets which insult Islam.

The applied mob had demanded the death penalty for a Christian or delivery to the people. The protesters had smashed the windows of two churches and set fire to the building.
During the attack on the churches had the demonstrators' kill, kill "initiative, said the police spokesman. You would also have the police pelted with stones. The forces were then used tear gas and fired warning shots into the air, have now the situation calms. The Antara news agency reported, a police car was set on fire.

Further details can be found at Accordingly, the mob had formed directly after the first trial and attacked the Catholic Church of St. Peter and Paul. The priest, Father Saldhana was brutally crushed while trying to protect the church. Then they went on to attack the Pentecostal Church and burned them. But even that could not satisfy the mob, which then still a Catholic orphanage and a Christian hospital of the Sisters of Providence destroyed. Even a Protestant church in Shekinah was burnt down. Only through the intervention of the police, the mob could be stopped. The

the accused Richmond Bawengan Anthony alleged "crime" was that he had distributed leaflets missionary, in which he mocked, among other things on Islamic symbols. Good people will no doubt criticize the lack of cultural sensitivity that put the accused on the day. As a resident of the most populous Muslim country, one should already be clear that Muslims understand these things not fun.