New! Wife 1.0 released
Last year, my friend "Girlfriend 6.0 to Wife 1.0 upgraded and found that he has since fewer system resources for other applications. He has
even now only found that wife 1.0 also generates child processes, which consume more valuable resources. This phenomenon was no mention in the attached product brochure or the documentation, but other users informed him that he was due to the nature of this application had expected.
Not only that wife 1.0 installed so that it starts before system initialization and then monitors the other system activities, other applications such as Poker Night 10.3, Skat are not thresh 2.5, and Bars Gang 7.0 run or crash (although they had previously immer funktionierten).
Die Installation Ehefrau 1.0 installiert automatisch ungewollte Plug-Ins wie Schwiegermutter 55,8 und Schwager-Beta-Release. Die Systemleistung scheint sich damit täglich zu vermindern.
Einige Merkmale welcher er gerne in der folgenden Version von Ehefrau 2.0 sehen würde:
Einen "Erinnere mich nicht mehr" Button
Einen "minimieren" Button
Ein Install-Shield-Merkmal, daß es erlaubt, Ehefrau 2.0 jederzeit zu deinstallieren ohne den Verlust des Caches und andere System-Ressourcen.
Ich habe beschlossen, die mit Ehefrau 1.0 verbundenen To avoid headaches, as I will stay with girlfriend 2.0. However, I am also found several problems:
Apparently you can install girlfriend 2.0 not 1.0 girlfriend. You must uninstall Girlfriend 1.0 first. Other users
say that this is a bug for a long time, which should I be aware of. Apparently the versions of Girlfriend conflicts with the shared I / O port should have one believe that this bug is now fixed. To make matters worse, the uninstall program for Girlfriend 1.0 does not work very well. It leaves behind unwanted files and directories on the system.
Another annoying problem: all versions of Girlfriend show non-stop messages about the benefits of upgrading to wife 1.0 .
***** BUG WARNING ******** Wife
1.0 has an undocumented bug. If you try to install Mistress 1.1 before wife 1.0 have uninstalled wife 1.0 will delete MS Money files and then remove itself. After that, Beloved will no longer be 1.1 Install. You receive a message about insufficient system resources
**** BUG WORK-AROUND ***************
to work around the above bug, install Mistress 1.1 on a different system and they never start file transfer application such as Laplink 6.0. Beware also from shareware which are known for their viruses, share files with wife 1.0 . Another solution would be to run Mistress 1.0 on a use-net-provider under an anonymous name. Beware, they might also share here from viruses, the data wife 1.0 .
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