New! Wife 1.0 released
Last year, my friend "Girlfriend 6.0 to Wife 1.0 upgraded and found that he has since fewer system resources for other applications. He has
even now only found that wife 1.0 also generates child processes, which consume more valuable resources. This phenomenon was no mention in the attached product brochure or the documentation, but other users informed him that he was due to the nature of this application had expected.
Not only that wife 1.0 installed so that it starts before system initialization and then monitors the other system activities, other applications such as Poker Night 10.3, Skat are not thresh 2.5, and Bars Gang 7.0 run or crash (although they had previously immer funktionierten).
Die Installation Ehefrau 1.0 installiert automatisch ungewollte Plug-Ins wie Schwiegermutter 55,8 und Schwager-Beta-Release. Die Systemleistung scheint sich damit täglich zu vermindern.
Einige Merkmale welcher er gerne in der folgenden Version von Ehefrau 2.0 sehen würde:
Einen "Erinnere mich nicht mehr" Button
Einen "minimieren" Button
Ein Install-Shield-Merkmal, daß es erlaubt, Ehefrau 2.0 jederzeit zu deinstallieren ohne den Verlust des Caches und andere System-Ressourcen.
Ich habe beschlossen, die mit Ehefrau 1.0 verbundenen To avoid headaches, as I will stay with girlfriend 2.0. However, I am also found several problems:
Apparently you can install girlfriend 2.0 not 1.0 girlfriend. You must uninstall Girlfriend 1.0 first. Other users
say that this is a bug for a long time, which should I be aware of. Apparently the versions of Girlfriend conflicts with the shared I / O port should have one believe that this bug is now fixed. To make matters worse, the uninstall program for Girlfriend 1.0 does not work very well. It leaves behind unwanted files and directories on the system.
Another annoying problem: all versions of Girlfriend show non-stop messages about the benefits of upgrading to wife 1.0 .
***** BUG WARNING ******** Wife
1.0 has an undocumented bug. If you try to install Mistress 1.1 before wife 1.0 have uninstalled wife 1.0 will delete MS Money files and then remove itself. After that, Beloved will no longer be 1.1 Install. You receive a message about insufficient system resources
**** BUG WORK-AROUND ***************
to work around the above bug, install Mistress 1.1 on a different system and they never start file transfer application such as Laplink 6.0. Beware also from shareware which are known for their viruses, share files with wife 1.0 . Another solution would be to run Mistress 1.0 on a use-net-provider under an anonymous name. Beware, they might also share here from viruses, the data wife 1.0 .
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Paraffin Greenhouse Heater Problems
As previously announced, I'm testing some VoIP devices. As
First, I grabbed the phone from Aastra 51i. join
the handset, network, and the current was simple. On the telephone everything is well marked, what, where it belongs.
The unit has in addition to the RJ45 (network) input nor an output, where you can connect additional network devices.
also has it on the underside of the device per a connection for a headset and an additional speed dial pad.
on the device, can be found in Menu Services-> Options-> Phone Status the IP address.
By entering the IP address in the Web browser of a computer can reach the Web Interface the device where you can make all the important settings. Unfortunately, I quickly realized
that many actions a time-consuming restart the device.
also wanted to allow the unit to not switch to German, which could mean, especially for private users a degree of conversion.
The input of the SIP data functioned without major problems, but unfortunately had to be restarted again be performed.
The time can be a time server to retrieve, which also works perfectly.
I tried some problems with a firmware update to fix it, yet I erkante but at the next constraint. Updates are available only through a server möglich, wo die Update Files abgelegt werden müssen. Dies macht den Gebrauch für Privatpersonen natürlich fast unmöglich. Wer will schon für sein Telefon einen Server betreiben.
Das Gerät würde sich jedoch über den Server auch konfigurieren lassen, was die ganze Sache für Firmen interessant machen könnte, welche mehr als ein Gerät besitzen.
Leider schafft es das Gerät auch nicht, eine Netzwerkverbindung aufzubauen, falls es gestartet wird, bevor das Netzwerk angeschlossen ist. Wieder einmal ist ein Neustart fällig.
Gespräche sind klar bis auf ein leichtes Hallen, was aber nicht weiter stört.
Mein Fazit zu diesem Gerät:
Es ist für den Einsatz in einem Mittleren bis Grossen Unternehmen ausgelegt und nicht gedacht für einfache Heimanwender.
Ich denke sobald man mehr als 20 solcher Gerät hat, lohnt sich der Aufwand mit Servern und Konfigurationsdateien.
As previously announced, I'm testing some VoIP devices. As
First, I grabbed the phone from Aastra 51i. join
the handset, network, and the current was simple. On the telephone everything is well marked, what, where it belongs.
The unit has in addition to the RJ45 (network) input nor an output, where you can connect additional network devices.
also has it on the underside of the device per a connection for a headset and an additional speed dial pad.
on the device, can be found in Menu Services-> Options-> Phone Status the IP address.
By entering the IP address in the Web browser of a computer can reach the Web Interface the device where you can make all the important settings. Unfortunately, I quickly realized
that many actions a time-consuming restart the device.
also wanted to allow the unit to not switch to German, which could mean, especially for private users a degree of conversion.
The input of the SIP data functioned without major problems, but unfortunately had to be restarted again be performed.
The time can be a time server to retrieve, which also works perfectly.
I tried some problems with a firmware update to fix it, yet I erkante but at the next constraint. Updates are available only through a server möglich, wo die Update Files abgelegt werden müssen. Dies macht den Gebrauch für Privatpersonen natürlich fast unmöglich. Wer will schon für sein Telefon einen Server betreiben.
Das Gerät würde sich jedoch über den Server auch konfigurieren lassen, was die ganze Sache für Firmen interessant machen könnte, welche mehr als ein Gerät besitzen.
Leider schafft es das Gerät auch nicht, eine Netzwerkverbindung aufzubauen, falls es gestartet wird, bevor das Netzwerk angeschlossen ist. Wieder einmal ist ein Neustart fällig.
Gespräche sind klar bis auf ein leichtes Hallen, was aber nicht weiter stört.
Mein Fazit zu diesem Gerät:
Es ist für den Einsatz in einem Mittleren bis Grossen Unternehmen ausgelegt und nicht gedacht für einfache Heimanwender.
Ich denke sobald man mehr als 20 solcher Gerät hat, lohnt sich der Aufwand mit Servern und Konfigurationsdateien.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Dr Seuss Inspired Birthday Invitation Rhyme
you fall on it? Remove
Heute Morgen, habe ich den Blog-Eintrag einer Freundin gelesen, welche sich momentan in Kalifornien aufhält.
Im Blog befanden sich einige Fotos von Ihrer Schule.
Fällt euch etwas beim Wetter auf? Beide Fotos sind von Ende November
Meine Schule:
Schule in Kalifornien:
(Source: )
----------------------- ---------------------------
Heute Morgen, habe ich den Blog-Eintrag einer Freundin gelesen, welche sich momentan in Kalifornien aufhält.
Im Blog befanden sich einige Fotos von Ihrer Schule.
Fällt euch etwas beim Wetter auf? Beide Fotos sind von Ende November
Meine Schule:
Schule in Kalifornien:
(Source: )
----------------------- ---------------------------
Friday, October 3, 2008
Gay Cruising In San Francisco, Ca
S12 and livestock
What is the difference between an animal transportation and S12 at 17:18?
Währe during transportation of the animal protection long ago, ran amok because of overcrowded carriages.
----------------------------------------------- ---
What is the difference between an animal transportation and S12 at 17:18?
Währe during transportation of the animal protection long ago, ran amok because of overcrowded carriages.
----------------------------------------------- ---
Monday, September 22, 2008
False Id Penalty Ontario Canada
dark in here
increasingly comes a stranger to
mom and the two disappear into the bedroom.
One day, hiding the 8-year-old son in the closet
to to observe what the two do so.
Suddenly the husband comes home unexpectedly.
Startled, the woman's lover also hidden in this cabinet
The Boy: "Dark in here."
The man whispered, "Yes."
The son: "I have a football."
The man: "Good for you."
The son: "Do you want to buy?"
The man: "No, thank you."
The son: "My father is out there."
The man: "OK, how much?"
The son: "250 euros."
happens in the next few weeks, again, that
send to the son and the lover in the same cabinet.
The Boy: "Dark in here."
The man: "Yes."
The son: "I have shoes."
The man (in memory of mentally sighing): "How much?"
The son: "500 euros."
says after a few days the father to his son:
"play Take your football stuff and let a round."
The son: "Does not have all sold."
The father: "How much?"
The son: "750 euros."
The father: "It's unbelievable how you are betraying your friends
This is much more than the things I have ever tasted
will get you to confess in the church..."
The father brings his son to church for confession,
puts him in the confessional
and closes the door.
The Boy: "Dark in here."
The priest: "Stop with the shit!"
----------------------------------------------- ---
increasingly comes a stranger to
mom and the two disappear into the bedroom.
One day, hiding the 8-year-old son in the closet
to to observe what the two do so.
Suddenly the husband comes home unexpectedly.
Startled, the woman's lover also hidden in this cabinet
The Boy: "Dark in here."
The man whispered, "Yes."
The son: "I have a football."
The man: "Good for you."
The son: "Do you want to buy?"
The man: "No, thank you."
The son: "My father is out there."
The man: "OK, how much?"
The son: "250 euros."
happens in the next few weeks, again, that
send to the son and the lover in the same cabinet.
The Boy: "Dark in here."
The man: "Yes."
The son: "I have shoes."
The man (in memory of mentally sighing): "How much?"
The son: "500 euros."
says after a few days the father to his son:
"play Take your football stuff and let a round."
The son: "Does not have all sold."
The father: "How much?"
The son: "750 euros."
The father: "It's unbelievable how you are betraying your friends
This is much more than the things I have ever tasted
will get you to confess in the church..."
The father brings his son to church for confession,
puts him in the confessional
and closes the door.
The Boy: "Dark in here."
The priest: "Stop with the shit!"
----------------------------------------------- ---
Sunday, August 3, 2008
90th Birthday Invocations
Easter Eggs in Firefox 3
Who uses the Firefox 3, times, the following data in the address line:
Tested with Firefox 3.0.1 and a Windows XP system
---------------------------------- ----------------
Who uses the Firefox 3, times, the following data in the address line:
- about: (without parameters)
- about: blank
- about: blocked
- about: buildconfig
- about: cache
- about: cache device = disk
- about: cache device = memory
- ? about: cache device = offline
- about: cache-entry
- about: config
- about: crashes
- about: credits
- about: license / about: license
- about: logo
- about: mozilla
- about: netError
- about: plugins
- about: robots
- chrome: / / browser / content / browser.xul
Tested with Firefox 3.0.1 and a Windows XP system
---------------------------------- ----------------
Thursday, July 31, 2008
White Owl Cigars Cost
VoIP testing equipment
Today I have received from a former vocational school colleague and good friend three for testing VoIP equipment. He now has a computer science own company and offers options including VoIP.
It is in the devices to the VoIP Phone Aastra 51i, a Horstbox DVA G3342SD of D-Link and the Voice Gateway with Router Linksys SPA3102.
The unit of D-Link and Linksys is known as VoIP boxes. On these boxes, normal analogue phones to be connected.
days Next I will test these devices and publish my experiences here.
----------------------------------------------- ---
Today I have received from a former vocational school colleague and good friend three for testing VoIP equipment. He now has a computer science own company and offers options including VoIP.
It is in the devices to the VoIP Phone Aastra 51i, a Horstbox DVA G3342SD of D-Link and the Voice Gateway with Router Linksys SPA3102.
The unit of D-Link and Linksys is known as VoIP boxes. On these boxes, normal analogue phones to be connected.
days Next I will test these devices and publish my experiences here.
----------------------------------------------- ---
Friday, May 30, 2008
Heart Palpitations Tingling Finger
Word document protection
I had again forgotten passwords in Microsoft Office.
But this time in the Word.
A document security has been set, but the password has been forgotten over the years.
undertaken after a short search on Google I found the following solution.
------------------------ --------------------------
I had again forgotten passwords in Microsoft Office.
But this time in the Word.
A document security has been set, but the password has been forgotten over the years.
undertaken after a short search on Google I found the following solution.
- new Word document open
- the menu under Insert -> Select File is the only document and paste
- And you've got the document with all formatting, form fields, tables, and without protection In the new document.
------------------------ --------------------------
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Obstetrician Prescribing Flexiril
loss of Hostpoint
And once again host is offline Point.
for what one has not all the time, not even if you can surf on
our host point in the network,
be sanctified your bits.
get your bill.
your servers are running, as in the test so the net.
Give us this day our daily upload.
And forgive us our Reklamationen, wie auch wir vergeben deine Ausfälle.
Und zwinge uns nicht zum wechsel,
sondern erlöse uns von deinen Problemen.
Denn dein ist der Server und das LAN und das Hosting in Ewigkeit .
(© by scheyni und Lucky )
And once again host is offline Point.
for what one has not all the time, not even if you can surf on
our host point in the network,
be sanctified your bits.
get your bill.
your servers are running, as in the test so the net.
Give us this day our daily upload.
And forgive us our Reklamationen, wie auch wir vergeben deine Ausfälle.
Und zwinge uns nicht zum wechsel,
sondern erlöse uns von deinen Problemen.
Denn dein ist der Server und das LAN und das Hosting in Ewigkeit .
(© by scheyni und Lucky )
Monday, May 26, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
How Much Coconut Oil In Popcorn Machine 4 Oz
Excel sheet to remove protection from unknown password
I just had an inquiry from an employee who has forgotten in Excel, the password for the blade guard. I
After a short search on Google I found the following solution.
Man created in the document, with the forgotten password, a new macro (Alt + F11, then "Insert" - "module")
This new module is then added the following text:
Der Blattschutz sollte nun entfernt sein. Bei mir hat es Jedenfalls geklappt (Excel 2003)
I just had an inquiry from an employee who has forgotten in Excel, the password for the blade guard. I
After a short search on Google I found the following solution.
Man created in the document, with the forgotten password, a new macro (Alt + F11, then "Insert" - "module")
This new module is then added the following text:
Sub Blattschutz_löschen ()
On Error Resume Next
For i = 65 To 66
For j = 65 To 66
For k = 65 To 66
For l = 65 To 66
For m = 65 To 66
For n = 65 To 66
For o = 65 To 66
For p = 65 To 66
For q = 65 To 66
For r = 65 To 66
For s = 65 To 66
For t = 32 To 126
ActiveSheet.Unprotect Chr(i) & Chr(j) & Chr(k) & Chr(l) & Chr(m) & _
Chr(n) & Chr(o) & Chr(p) & Chr(q) & Chr(r) & Chr(s) & Chr(t)
Next t
Next s
Next r
Next q
Next p
Next o
Next n
Next m
Next l
Next k
Next j
Next i
MsgBox "Fertig"
End Sub
Nun führt man das Modul aus und nach einiger Zeit wird die Message Box "Fertig" angezeigt. Der Blattschutz sollte nun entfernt sein. Bei mir hat es Jedenfalls geklappt (Excel 2003)
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