Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Cape Cod Bracelet What Is The Story Behind Them

Who's the Boss?

The new boss has the impression that its employees do not respect him enough. To make all clear who is the master of the house, he hangs a sign on his office door: "I am the boss."

When he comes back from the lunch break is, instead of the shield a note on the door:

"Your wife called you want to get back their shield

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Pokemon Leaf Green When Does Pikachu Learn

Only 2 days until the wedding!

Schön, dass Ihr kommt, liebe Swanni und Thomas!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Putting Refrigerator In A Closet

Another McDonald!

Was Spektakuläres vor einer Hochzeit so passiert...
Am 3.9. erblickt Ian Jack das Licht der Welt: James und Diana: Wir gratulieren und freuen uns mit Euch!!!
:-) :-) :-)