Wednesday, June 13, 2007

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Crazy Fuglister

Without him would not only not the CCPT. Without it, many do not know in which pots they invest where they drink their beer and with whom they have a cozy Evening should spend. Without him this would not whole language, the whole context, the pros - without it nothing would work. He runs Potpflege, and not just on the CCPT, but in life. He spent more than he will get - and we all benefit. Thanks. Go on!

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He is the master who invented the CCPT and invited pros make sense why you go on holiday, drinking beer, smoking cigarettes and meets. Without him, there would not, the CCPT. Fuglister Nickname Created at the university in Rome, where has the professor wondered about his sparse attendance (or frequent absence).

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the pros, there are few reckoning, it Stefano, Flo and W. W and Stefano are more the tech accounts, which hold the most economic data and create a settlement, its accuracy is not usually seen - although, of course, absolutely reliable. Basically, you work with n +2 rows, where n is the number players: Player 1

+3 (CHF 3 credits) ...
player n -31.5 (11.5 francs debt)
Pot 55 (How much is in the pot)
basic missions III (3 basic operations must be removed at all yet)

Flo default before the reckoning of one franc difference, in the jargon "in the Flo sin Stutz, "even with word games.

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net contributor

The settlement shows who owes money and who has won money. If only one player, the other owes money, it is the net payers. As net contributors are, for people with victims license. Accordingly, it can also give
net recipients.

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This gesture is a classic, invented by Stefano - now standard, if the alcohol is running, make pots and the voltage increases. The gesture shows that as much sweat flows that the card sticks automatically.

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then scratch, so wants to have some drama. Proper staging can be very important sein. Ein trockener Spruch kann ebenso angebracht sein wie ein lautes, deutliches und schwungvolles »crääääääääääzy crääääääääätz«.

Gewisse Pros (z.B. Stefano) gefallen sich damit, »crazy ...Pause... dure« zu sagen, um das Spiel weiterzugeben. Ist noch nicht Standard.

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Auf Pflosch reimt sich natürlich roisch - und damit gibt man sein Aussteigen bekannt. Roisch entstammt einer Portugalisierungsphase von Dosich und Fuglister - und hat sich aber schon weiterentwickelt zu "Röschenhof", das aufgrund dieses Klassikers .

Ist man dran, man also sagen:
  • »crazy crätz«
  • eine Kratzgeste machen
  • »schicken«
  • »roisch«
  • »ich bin Röschenhof« oder
  • »crazy ...Pause... dure«.

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»Fudiblutt i de nature "

Wer nur mit dem As kratzt und drei Karten wechselt, ist »fudiblutt i de Natur«. Der Ausdruck stammt von einer kreativen Verarbeitung des ersten Tracks des neuen Allschwil-Posse-Albums , »Freikörperkultur« - und ist tammi Standard.

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" Moderately trumps "

Wenn viele Spieler mitspielen, gibt es einige Regelverschärfungen. Beispielsweise darf dann bei einer Pfloisch only a limited number of cards to be changed (for the standard 3-scratching, 2 for the other). It may, however, that too few tickets are to be included. Then all the cards lying around are mixed together to form a new stack in which it has by default "massive stockings" in it.

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There are no women on the CCPT tour. This is neither a standard nor intent - it just is aso. go with

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Paketo mode

Considering without good maps have, you are in Paketo mode, you have to go four cards and could be a package (= Paketo) add, or five cards.
It is standard that the potential responsive communicate with each other and tell each other whether they are in Paketo mode or not (another language with which you indicate that you have a low key: "I am weak").

The Paketo was a legendary evening already Handtäschli and consequently named Luis Vuitton. This then results in the motto "I am the Luis" by the singing of "brother Luis, Luis, Luis" can be added. This terminology is fully in the standard .

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You can not say that German game was hostile, but you can call it even less than German friendly. German enrich the game on their own fashion and control with victims licenses for some to pot.
Here is a typical CCPT-German: "How many German tolerate scratching"

, you always wonder if
  • acorn "nuts", shall be
  • roses "flowers" are and you
  • "send" all about.
a gaffe that has happened in a non-German environment scratch, but has objected to the standard viciously, is documented here:

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A Pfloisch results when a king is revealed, so statistically every 9-th round.
fact, it needs to but a Pfloisch-hands, with which one can "reinlüpfen" for lifting a Pfloisch.
Fuglister is notorious for his hands-Pfloisch, but other pros specialize in it.
Pfloisch (derived from duty) means that scrape the donor must have to call and all other games. This can result in large pot. In a Pfloisch not allowed to inezieh , the dealer has no real advantage.

(For large rounds, an additional aggravation of the problem: The man with the Pfloisch-hands can also no maps change more and punished himself)

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Assuming purely as a donor's up card is called the Inezieh. The risk is relatively small - even if you are not allowed to view his cards, you come almost always when you inezieht the As (Note: this presentation is colored slightly subjective).
are already described cases where CCPT pros are merely drawn non-ace cards, this tactic is used then the Potpflege and in particular can be understood as a criticism of Fuglister, which should raise the ante.